5th FunBridge World Youth Open Championships

Lyon, France • 15 – 24 August 2017

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Running Scores
 Junior Teams  Youngsters Teams Girls Teams Kids Teams

 Match China RFDZ Synrey vs Japan

This was the very first match from the Youth World Bridge Teams Championships to be broadcasted in BBO. The match finished with a Japan Victory by 44 to 12 IMP. These are some boards that contributed to Japan’s supremacy. Board 3 The bidding (Closed room):
Eishi Imak Shiyu Sun Kouki Koba  Hongji Wei
2club suit 1 Pass 2Diamond Suit Pass
2NT Pass 3Heart Suit2 Pass
3Spade Suit Pass 4club suit Pass
4Spade Suit Pass 5club suit Pass
6club suit All Pass
1 : FG 2 Transfer Lead: Diamond Suit4 The heart lead immediately shatters the declarer’s hopes, but he was lucky to receive a diamond lead. Declarer pitched a heart from dummy and covered the Diamond Suit9 with his Diamond SuitJ to continue cashing the Diamond SuitA to pitch another heart. He cashed the trump ace, and the ace and queen of spades. Now he played a small club to dummy’s king, and ruffed a spade with his last trump. He lose a heart and claimed 12 tricks. The bidding (Open room):
Si Ian Hino T.  Yin Yichen Yamada R.
1club suit 1Spade Suit 2Spade Suit Pass
3Diamond Suit Pass 3NT  Pass
4Diamond Suit Pass 4Spade Suit All Pass
I dont know what North’s 1Spade Suit was (a bluff?) but helped to stop China in the game level. Lead: club suit2 Declarer made 11 easy tricks but the board was a 12 IMPs lose. Board 9  The bidding (Closed room):
Eishi Imak Shiyu Sun Kouki Koba  Hongji Wei
Pass Pass 1Heart Suit
Double 1Spade Suit 2Diamond Suit Pass
2NT Pass 3Diamond Suit All Pass
Lead: Heart Suit3 Declarer lose only two spades, one heart and one club, scoring +130. The bidding (Open room):
Si Ian Hino T.  Yin Yichen Yamada R.
 Pass  1Diamond Suit 1Heart Suit
Double Pass 1NT 2club suit
3Diamond Suit Pass 3NT Pass
3NT All Pass
In this room East’s 1Diamond Suit opening bid led them to the NT game. Lead: Heart Suit4 A club or spade lead defeats the contract instantly, but South chose to lead from a small heart, his suit. And he was able to make three heart tricks, five diamonds and a club for 10 IMPs for his team. Board 10:  The bidding (Closed room):
Eishi Imak Shiyu Sun Kouki Koba  Hongji Wei
Pass Pass
2NT Double Redouble 3club suit
Pass 3Heart Suit Double 3Spade Suit
Pass Pass Double All Pass
North must have regretted his vulnerable intromision. Lead: Diamond SuitK West won the lead, and immediately switched to a trump, the Spade Suit2. Declarer did well, playing the Spade SuitA. He continued with a club to the ace and back came a diamond ruff, a heart ruff and a diamond ruff. Now he played the Spade Suit9, the Spade SuitQ wining the trick. West now continued with the Diamond SuitA, declarer ruffed but was endplayed and lose the rest of the tricks. Three down : 800 for Japan. The bidding (Open room):
Si Ian Hino T.  Yin Yichen Yamada R.
Pass 3club suit
3NT All Pass
In this room South decided to open his hand with 3club suit, West said 3NT and this ended the bidding. Lead: club suit5 Yamada duck the lead and dummy’s club suitJ won the trick. Declarer cashed his four diamonds, and continued playing the Spade SuitQ, Hino covered with his ace to find out that he was endplayed. He chose to return the Heart SuitJ and declarer claimed 10 tricks. +630 and 5 IMPs for Japan. The match: