17th World Youth Bridge Team Championships – The Verdicts
Source: http://www.worldbridge.org/
The 17th World Youth Bridge Team Championships ended tonight in Wujiang, China.
The event was attended by 77 teams and 556 players coming from 34 different countries.
The Juniors Podium:
1. Sweden (Ida Gronkvist, Mikael Gronkvist, Simon Hult, Mikael Rimstedt, Ola Rimstedt, Adam Stokka, Martin Loefgren npc, Tom Gards coach)
2. Singapore (Ryan Chan, Peter Haw, Yu Chen Liu, Jazlene Ong, Ming Yang Zhou, Xin Chen Zhu, Yisheng Kelvin Ong npc, Choon Chou Loo coach)
3. Netherlands (Veri Kiljan, Guy Mendes De Leon, Michel Schols, Thibo Sprinkhuizen, Luc Tijssen, Ricardo Westerbeek, Agnes Snellers npc, Wubbo De Boer coach)
The Girls Podium:
1. China (Yijing Cai, Bo Fu, Chengke Hu, Xinyi Li, Xinyi Ni, Yang Yang, Guoqiang Zhang npc, Jen-Chien Chungcoach)
2. Poland (Zofia Baldysz, Hanna Ciunczyk, Joanna Kokot, Dominika Ocylok, Joanna Zalewska, Anna Zareba, Piotr Dybicz npc, Zuzanna Moszczynska coach)
3. France (Sarah Combescure, Marie-Valentine Coupel, Beryl Dufrene, Emeline Jounin, Anais Leleu, Mathilde Thuillez, Vanessa Reess npc)
The Youngsters Podium:
1. Sweden (Teo Bodin, Sanna Clementsson, Erik Hansson, Castor Mann, Alexander Sandin, Martin Loefgren npc, Lars Nilsson coach)
2. Israel (Ilai Ilan Baniri, Nir Khutorsky, Tomer Loonstein, Gal Matatyahou, Yonatan Sliwowicz, Aviv Zeitak, Danny Loonstein npc)
3. France (Raphael Basler, Luc Bellicaud, Arthur Boulin, Melic Dufrene, Maxence Fragola, Theo Guillemin, Christophe Oursel npc)
The Kids Podium :
1. China 3 (Tie Chen, Zanchao Cui, Xihong Dai, Sicheng Liu, Yiping Lu, Zichen Wang, Guoqiang Chen npc, Feng Qu coach)
2. France (Romain Bloch, Aurele Gallard, Leo Rombaut, Thibaut Zobel, Benoit Deveze npc)
3. USA (Michael Hu, Harrison Anders Luba, Rory Xiao, Michael Xu, Jonathan Yue, Arthur Zhou, Jim Mundaynpc)
The BAM Podium:
1. Cazbok (Brad Johnston, Christian Jolly, Adam Kaplan, Benjamin Kristensen, Kevin Rosenberg, Asaf Yekutieli, Michael Rosenberg npc)
2. China Youngster (Zhiyu Cheng, Baozhuo Jiang, Yufan Liao, Randy Pan, Qian Sun, Xihao Wang, Jichao Hu cpt, Tong Jiang coach )
3. Cinese Taipei Junios (Ping-Lin Chen, Hsiao-Lan Guo, Hsiao-Tien Huang, Yu-Lun Li, Kai-En Li, YungKuang Wang)
The Joan Gerard Awards Winners:
Junior: Juan Felipe Cuervo (Colombia)
Girls: Camila Yañez (Chile)
Youngsters: Giovanni Donati (Italy)
Kids: Kamryn Menezes (India)
Results and Rankings
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