Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Bid More with Shortness By Andrew Gumperz

Source: When is the most advantageous times to intervene over an opposing preempt: with shortness in the opponent's suit or with length? Let's take an example: Auction (2)...

Opening with exactly 1-4-4-4 shape by Andrew Gumperz

Source: Andrew Gumperz Blog 1-4-4-4 is among the most awkward shapes when opening the bidding. The standard advice when I first started was to open...

Splinter Bids and Bidding Theory By Andrew Gumperz

Source: I was thinking recently about the development of the modern major suit raise structure. In the 1950's, the forcing major suit was a jump...

Developing Your Table Feel by Andrew Gumperz

Source: P. Hal Sims was a top-selling bridge author of the 1930s and a formidable player. His forte was card reading. The egotistical Sims bragged...

Better Tempo by Andrew Gumperz

Source: Bridgwwinners Today I have a different type of topic: Tempo at the bridge table. We have all read articles urging players to bid in an even tempo...

Better Notrump Leads by Andrew Gumperz

Source: BridgeWinners How many times have you made the only lead against 3NT that allowed the contract to make? If you are like me, it seems...

Matchpoint Strategy By Andrew Gumperz

Source: Andrew Gumperz Blogspot At Matchpoints, the number of total points by which you beat another score has no value at all. Being 10 points...

Opening with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs By Andrew Gumperz

Source: Opening bids are the foundation on which subsequent bidding is laid. If the foundation is unstable, the rest of the auction may come tumbling...

What is the best way to teach somebody how to play bridge? By A....

Source: quora Do you have young friends you want to teach bridge? Here are some of my thoughts. Not a complete recipe, but I hope at...

Defending a Conventional 3NT Opening By A. Gumperz

Source: Defending a Conventional 3NT Opening The gambling 3NT opening is a popular method in US Tournament bridge. An opening 3NT promises a solid 7-card minor...