Monday, January 27, 2025

How Popular is the Moysian fit?

Source: Stig Holmquist wrote:  "All textbooks teach that an 8-fit should be the norm in major suit contracts. But some players seem to like the...

A Primer on Reverse Bidding Part 1 by Mike Hargreaves

Source: BBO News "I thought that it might be of some use to set out some guide to reverses. In what follows, I am describing North-American...

Scintillating in the Side Swiss by Alan Truscott

Source: 1989 WORLD BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS NEC BERMUDA BOWL / NEC VENICE CUP HYATT REGENCY HOTEL PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA Five players Alan Truscott-Phillip Alder-Holman-Patrick Jourdain-Albert Dormer! seemed enough for...

A Classic Fit Jump by Justin Lall

Source: Justin Lall Blog Nobody is vulnerable and you pick up K 9 7 4 2 7 4 6 K J T 8 7. LHO passes,...

Bidding Nine By Frank Stewart

Source: The laws of bridge prohibit bids of more than seven (though I once had an opponent who, when I bid five clubs, jocularly bid...

The Plan LXVI

Source: IBPA Bulletin Nov 2018 Dealer South. Neither VUL 7 3 2 9 8 7 5 4 K 7 5 7 2 K 10 6 --- A J 10 8 6 4 3 10...

Multi Landy Pro By George Cuppaidge

Source: Multi Landy Pro. (George Cuppaidge) Of all the mainstream treatments in use for entering the bidding over an opponent’s 1NT, Multi Landy is the newest....

Rate the Alternatives by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish

This exercise is adapted from a book by French internationalist Michel Lebel. Let us know whether you enjoy this format. West Norte East South 1 Pass Pass 1 ? Consider West’s second action with...

Improving your 1NT Structure by Andy Hung Part 3

Source: Responses to Cuantitative 4NT Bids In the previous articles, we looked at how to show 5-4 Majors with game-forcing values opposite a 1NT (15-17 HCP) opening. Here are...

Slam-oriented auctions: Gadgets and Gizmos By Barry Rigal

Source: Slam-oriented auctions: Gadgets and Gizmos Major-suit jumps to the five-level This subject was first covered in detail by Alan Hiron in Bridge Magazine 40 years...