Friday, April 26, 2024

Marty Bergen: Secrets to Winning Bridge

Source: Worth Knowing about Negative Doubles A. They have no upper limit in strength. The same is also true for all other doubles! B. The only Negative...

Problems on Conventions By Alan Truscott

Source: The New York Times N/S Vul. Dealer North. J 10 9 3 A K J 10 8 7 A Q 8 --- K Q 7 4 2 J 9 K Q J...

Rate the Alternatives by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish

This exercise is adapted from a book by French internationalist Michel Lebel. Let us know whether you enjoy this format. West Norte East South 1 Pass Pass 1 ? Consider West’s second action with...

Bid Weak Over Strong and Strong Over Weak by David Gold

Source: Mr Bridge Nobody is vulnerable and RHO deals and opens 3. What do you do with this? You have a hand on which you would happily...

Pairs Tactics by Andrew Robson

Source: Andrew Robson Bridge Club Pass Partner’s Take-out Doubles More Often ONE of the nice things about pairs is that a bottom is only a bottom....

Bridge Tips By Dr. Harold Schachter

Source: Over the past several years I have been compiling information and guidelines which, cumulatively, have assisted me in improving my understanding, expertise and enjoyment,...

Let the opponents play in a vulnerable part-score By Andrew Robson

Source:  Let the opponents play in a vulnerable part-score ALTHOUGH (as we saw in Click here ) vulnerability is irrelevant at match-point duplicate in an uncontested auction, it...

2018 WBF YOTC Solver Problem Nº9 by Ilai Baniri & Fernando...

Discussing some hands of this event with my friend Ilai Baniri (ISR), we decided to consult some hands with friends. I for my side...

Expensive Switch by Brian Senior

Source: I wasn’t planning to do a match report on Round 4 of the Rosenblum Swiss Qualifying but I just happened to be browsing the...

Breaking the 26 Points Barrier by Greg Quittner

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald – 1 Jun 1989 The importance of hand evaluation in bridge is often not taken into consideration by bridge players. The fact that...