Friday, January 24, 2025

Goren Bridge

St. Petersburg Times – 18 Oct 1951 Both vulnerable. North deals Opening lead: four of spades. There has been observed a tendency on the part of less experienced players...

Zia Cuebids

Source: Bridgeguys This is a fake cuebid and has only one purpose. The concept of this prinicple has been employed by many bridge players in the...

Slam Bidding by Joshua Donn

Source: Jan. 11, 2012 “Advanced players know the rules. Experts know when to break the rules.” - Anonymous Slam bidding is one of the most exciting parts...

An Enquiry Story By Ana Roth and Fernando Lema

Buenos Aires, November 7th A few days ago Christian LAHRMANN  (Winner: 4th World Youth Open Championships Opatija 2015 - Kids Pairs) sent us the following bidding problem to consult...

Takeout Double

Source: Wikipedia In the card game contract bridge, a takeout double is a low-level conventional call of "Double" over an opponent's bid as a request for partner to bid his...

Fourth Suit Forcing

Source: Wikipedia Fourth suit forcing (also referred to as fourth suit artificial; abbreviated as FSF or 4SF) is a contract bridge convention that allows responder to create, at his second turn to bid,...

Checkback Stayman

Source: Wikipedia 1m – 1M; 1NT – 2 2Checkback Stayman (or simply Checkback) is used after a 1NT rebid by opener rather than a 1NT opening. It...

An Alternative to Drury By Norberto Bocchi

Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge I have already talked about the 2drury, explaining how this convention develops when it opens thirds or quarters of...

Convention: Drury

Source:  Drury is a conventional 2 response by a passed hand after partner opens 1 or 1 in third or fourth seat. The 2 bid is artificial, showing a limit...

Conventions: Exclusion Keycard Blackwood

Source: Forum Exclusion Keycard Blackwood: Can anyone explain me this Convention?  Gjivo Tikvica; Dubrovnik, Croatia Alvin P. Bluthman response Gjivo Tikvica asked for an explanation of Exclusion KeyCard...