Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rule of 15 and CRIFS By Larry Cohen

Source: www.larryco.com CRIFS My former bridge partner, Marty Bergen, has 11 conventions named after him. Bergen Raises, Bergen over Notrump, BROMAD (Bergen Raise of Major After...

Muiderberg Convention

Source: Wikipedia Muiderberg is a bidding convention in the card game bridge. It is a two-level preemptive opening based on a two-suiter with precisely a five-card major and a minor...

The fearlessness of youth By Zia Mahmood

Source: The Junior European Championships was currently in progress in Albena, Bulgaria, and the bidding was entirely in keeping with the fearlessness of youth. Today's...

Convention: Drury

Source:  Drury is a conventional 2 response by a passed hand after partner opens 1 or 1 in third or fourth seat. The 2 bid is artificial, showing a limit...

Opening with exactly 1-4-4-4 shape by Andrew Gumperz

Source: Andrew Gumperz Blog 1-4-4-4 is among the most awkward shapes when opening the bidding. The standard advice when I first started was to open...

Employing the Losing Trick Count

Source: Toledo Blade – by Gene Benedict When you have a distributional hand and your partner has supported one of your suits, the Losing Trick...

Sandwich NT/2NT, Hess Cue Bids, Takeout Doubles, and Overcalls

by Neil H. Timm for Bridge News In this article we show how the Sandwich NT/2NT, Hess Cue bids, Takeout Doubles and Overcalls may be...

To long trumps… Or maybe not? by Gregor Rus

Salsomaggiore. August 9, 2022 Pairs Championship U31 MPs Dealer South. Both Vul A 10 7 6 5 3 A K 10 6 5 4 2 K 9 8 2 J 8 4 Q...

Pass or Double? by Andrew Robson

Source: https://www.andrewrobson.co.u Our featured deal was the clincher for myself and partner Alexander Allfrey (sitting East-West) in the European Open Pairs. Clincher in the sense that...

Conventions: Continuations after partner makes a onelevel takeout double, and RHO...

Bulletin ACBL , October 2006 When your partner makes a takeout double, it is common for there to be some competitive bidding. LHO Partner RHO You 1 Doblo 1 ? You can bid a suit you...