Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Blackwood Convention

Source: ACBL Whole books have been written on the topicof ace-asking conventions, so the discussion of  Easley Blackwood’s concept in this column will be brief...

Conventions: “The Smolen”

by Paul Lavings Bridge Books & Supplies The Smolen Convention was invented by US expert Mike Smolen (1940-1992). It is an accepted part of nearly every...

Conventions: Exclusion Keycard Blackwood

Source: Forum groups.google.com Exclusion Keycard Blackwood: Can anyone explain me this Convention?  Gjivo Tikvica; Dubrovnik, Croatia Alvin P. Bluthman response Gjivo Tikvica asked for an explanation of Exclusion KeyCard...

Stayman By Mark Ehret

Source: ACBL, NABC Bulletins Our priorities at bridge are to play in the majors first, notrump second and the minor suits last. The Stayman convention...

Tips for playing with BBO’s Robots – the basics by Peter...

Source: BBO Youtube Channel Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria...

Conventions: OBAR BIDS

Source:  OBAR BIDS – Acronym for Opponents Bid And Raise – Balance In Direct Seat.  Popularized by Larry Cohen in “To Bid Or Not To Bid:...

Defending a Conventional 3NT Opening By A. Gumperz

Source: Defending a Conventional 3NT Opening The gambling 3NT opening is a popular method in US Tournament bridge. An opening 3NT promises a solid 7-card minor...

Transfers after we overcall By Gerben Dirksen

Source: BridgeWinners Some time ago, there has been a request for a description of transfer advances. In this article I have described my preferred method...

Texas Transfer

Source: Wikipedia Texas transfer, or simply Texas, is a bidding convention in contract bridge. Originated independently by David Carter of St. Louis and Olle Willner of Sweden, and used in...

Puppet Stayman after a 1NT Opener by Justin Lall

Many people, including myself, play the following basic NT structure when they open 1NT: 2– Stayman 2/2– Transfer 2– Clubs 2NT- Diamonds 3– ? 3 – 5-5 minors GF 3 – 31(54) 3 – 13(54) 4–...