Saturday, December 21, 2024

Puppet Stayman after a 1NT Opener by Justin Lall

Many people, including myself, play the following basic NT structure when they open 1NT: 2– Stayman 2/2– Transfer 2– Clubs 2NT- Diamonds 3– ? 3 – 5-5 minors GF 3 – 31(54) 3 – 13(54) 4–...

Lebensohl Over 1NT Interference

Source: In today’s competitive bidding environment, overcalls are made far more frequently. Without long discussion, it is difficult to know what to bid when opponents...

Gazzilli by Frederick Staelens

Source: Free at the Bridge Table I haven’t posted anything on Gazzilli before. It’s one of my favorite conventions which occurs when the auction starts 1M-1NT...

Rubensohl (Transfer Lebensol)

Source: Rubensohl: ( Kantar – Lesson by Bob Crosby) Lebensohl  by responder over a strong NT was invented so that you can compete better or show game...

Conventions: “The Smolen”

by Paul Lavings Bridge Books & Supplies The Smolen Convention was invented by US expert Mike Smolen (1940-1992). It is an accepted part of nearly every...

The TURBO convention

Source: The TURBO convention Preface The performance of the Italians in the global bridge concerning bidding is outstanding. Their ability to produce innovative and reliable...

Conventions: Jacoby 2NT

Source: ACBL      One of Oswald Jacoby’s best gifts to bridge was the idea of using 2NT as a conventional forcing raise in response to a...

Cappelletti Convention

Source: This conventional method carries the designation of the surname of Mr. Michael Cappelletti, born in the year 1942, of Alexandria, Virginia, United States, who developed...

Conventions: Kokish Relay

Source: AUSTRALIAN YOUTH BRIDGE BULLETIN JUNE – JULY – AUGUST 2015     EXTENSION TO YOUR STRONG 2 – KOKISH RELAY If you don’t play the Kokish Relay yet, it...

Against Stolen Bids By Mel Colchamiro

Source: ACBL Bulletin, Dec 2008 – Apr 2009 Mirror, mirror on the wall … … Who is the fairest one of all? That famous line uttered...