Sunday, April 28, 2024

Support Double

Source: Wikipedia For example, after 1- (Pass) - 1 - (1)The support double is a bridge convention used to distinguish between three-card and four-card support for partner's suit response to one's...

I love Flannery (I’m serious) by Steve Weinstein

Source: BridgeWinners Flannery is defined as an opening bid of 2 to show  a mininum opening(11-16 HCP) with 4 spades and 5 hearts. We play it...

Conventions: Ambiguos Splinters

Source:           Opener's Rebids After 1 - 3 (Game-Forcing Raise) 3 is an unbalanced, game-forcing raise with a singleton or void. Opener can sign off in 4 with...

Support Doubles By Joshua Donn

Source:  Bridge Winners  “Advanced players know the rules. Experts know when to break the rules.” - Anonymous Support doubles are one of my favorite conventions. The basic...

Serious and Non-serious 3NT By Barry Rigal

Source: Slam-oriented auctions: Gadgets and Gizmos   This brings us to one of the more important patches that 2/1 requires. When in my youth I first read...

Cappelletti Convention

Source: This conventional method carries the designation of the surname of Mr. Michael Cappelletti, born in the year 1942, of Alexandria, Virginia, United States, who developed...

Rubensohl Convention

Source: Wikipedia Rubensohl (also referred to as Rubinsohl) is a bridge convention that can be used to counter an opponent's intervention over a 1NT opening bid. After opponent's two-level overcall,...

Last Train to Clarksville by Fred Gitelman

IMPROVING 2/1 GF – THE LONG AWAITED SEQUEL In the last issue I wrote my first article about bidding, specifically on improving the way that...