Wednesday, January 22, 2025

I love Flannery (I’m serious) by Steve Weinstein

Source: BridgeWinners Flannery is defined as an opening bid of 2 to show  a mininum opening(11-16 HCP) with 4 spades and 5 hearts. We play it...

Conventions: “The Smolen”

by Paul Lavings Bridge Books & Supplies The Smolen Convention was invented by US expert Mike Smolen (1940-1992). It is an accepted part of nearly every...

The Reverse Drury Convention

Source: BridgeBum Reverse Drury is a variation of the Drury convention. In keeping with the principle of fast arrival, it reverses the meanings of opener's 2and 2/ rebids. After...

Sandwich NT/2NT, Hess Cue Bids, Takeout Doubles, and Overcalls

by Neil H. Timm for Bridge News In this article we show how the Sandwich NT/2NT, Hess Cue bids, Takeout Doubles and Overcalls may be...

Conventions: Baby Blackwood

Source: BridgeBum     Baby Blackwood is a 3NT ace-asking bid after a major-suit fit is found. It is just like Blackwood, except that it’s one level lower. Example...

Conventions: Jacoby 2NT

Source: ACBL      One of Oswald Jacoby’s best gifts to bridge was the idea of using 2NT as a conventional forcing raise in response to a...

Three Way Minor Raises By Mike Savage

Source:      Do you sometimes have difficulty reaching close games or slams when you have a minor fit? Inverted minors can be a great...

Redoubles By Jim Diebel

Source: wimpy-bridge by Jim Diebel           One of the places I most often see confusion at the bridge table is in the use of the...

Conventions: Ambiguos Splinters

Source:           Opener's Rebids After 1 - 3 (Game-Forcing Raise) 3 is an unbalanced, game-forcing raise with a singleton or void. Opener can sign off in 4 with...

Serious and Non-serious 3NT By Barry Rigal

Source: Slam-oriented auctions: Gadgets and Gizmos   This brings us to one of the more important patches that 2/1 requires. When in my youth I first read...