Thursday, January 16, 2025

Various “Rules” of Bridge

Source: As a bridge player you are probably acquainted with several of the so-called ‘rules’ of bridge. There are several different kinds so you may...

Ask Jerry: 4-4 fit vs -5-3 fit

Dear Jerry, I have heard that an eight-card trump fit that is divided 4-4 is often superior to a 5-3 fit. This makes no...

The 4-4 Fit by Paul Bowyer

Source: MUCH BIDDING revolves around trying to locate a trump fit, often a 4-4 fit. Quite why this is so important is not often clearly...

What’s the Better Fit? The 4-4 vs. the 5-3 By PHILLIP...

Source:  The last paragraph of Saturday’s column generated a few queries. When is a 4-4 fit better than a 5-3, and vice versa? The best analysis...

You Do the Honors Part 1 by Stan Subeck

Source: The most important cards in a deck of 52 are the honor cards. Yet many bridge players misplay these cards regularly. As a defender,...

A Balancing Act by Jim O’Neil

Source: Balancing is one of the most important, yet least discussed and least agreed-upon areas in all of bridge. “Balancing” refers to a bid or double...

Trump Control By Ralph Katz

On Wednesday, May 8th 2016,  Melih Ozdil and Ralph Katz, founders of the new Ozdil-Katz Online School of Bridge, held a free lesson on BBO, focused...

When trumps Break Wrong side suits may be used as “additional...

The Evening Independent – 25 Mar 1939 By WM. M’KENNEY When trumps break badly, nothing is more effective in averting disaster than a long side suit. It is...

Cross-ruff Technique By Charles Goren

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – 16 Oct 1949 The technique of the cross-ruff is not very difficult. The problem as to whether or not to play for a cross-ruff...

Inferences from the auction by Jeff Lehman

Source: I am often amazed at the strength of inferences one can draw from the game of bridge. Inspired by hands that partner and I held...