Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Ask Jerry: Opinion on our bidding by Jerry Helms

Source:        Dear Jerry, My partner and I would appreciate your opinion on our bidding of this hand:  J 10  K Q J 7...

Opening with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs By Andrew Gumperz

Source: Opening bids are the foundation on which subsequent bidding is laid. If the foundation is unstable, the rest of the auction may come tumbling...

Test your Declarer Play by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish

Here are two declarer play problems:     (1) K Q 10 7 2 J 4 3 7 4 A Q 3 A J 4 3 Q 7 6 2 A Q 2 K 7 Contract:...

The Uppercut

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, an uppercut is a defensive play that involves one of the defenders ruffing high in the knowledge that an overruff by the...

Counting at Bridge By Larry Matheny

Source: Counting at Bridge By Larry Matheny Do you wonder how the experts always seem to guess right against you?  One of the reasons is they know...

Third Hand Play on Partner’s Queen Lead By Beverly Kraft -Eric...

Against a notrump contract, the lead of the queen is from QJ10, QJ9, AQJ with or without extended length. Your opponents bid 1NT-3NT, and your...

How Should You Bid a Freak Hand? by Julian Pottage

The official definition of a freak hand varies. Some say any hand with a void or two singletons. Others say a hand with at...

Losing Trick Count – Part 1

Are difficult bidding decisions causing you stress? Would you like a “magic formula” to give you the right answer most of the time? Source: Are...

What makes a good convention? by Justin Lall

What makes a good convention? There are 4 factors: Frequency – The more it comes up, the better. Simplicity – The easier it is to remember,...

What Message Should You Send? by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish

After a simple auction - 1NT-Pass; 3NT-End, your partner leads the 6. Which card should you play with each of the following holdings, and why? Case...