Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Defensive Strategy: Trump Leads

Source: A lot of misconceptions surround trump leads. Here are the times when it is most attractive to make an opening lead of a trump: ...

Establishing a Long Suit Early by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish

Establishing a Long Suit Early Often Overcomes Bad Trump Break  by Beverly Kraft -Eric Kokish How would you play the small slam on the lead of the 10? North-South...

Thinking Bridge: SF NABC Second Day

During each day of the NABC (National American) Eddie Kantar, one of the best American bridge writers, analyzes one bridge hand, for players who...

Coup en Passant by Brian Senior

A fairly common play technique is the Coup en Passant. The fancy French name hides a pretty simple technique. Declarer attempts to make her small trumps by...

Bridge with Liz McGowan

Source: The Scotsman 18/09/12 Dealer East, All Vul 6 2 A Q 9 7 4 2 J 5 3 10 2 Q 9 8 4 3 A K 10 A J 8 5 3 A...

Leads Test By Shencken & Fry

Success in this department requires skill in reading the opponents bidding—including what they did not bid—plus…. Reading Eagle – 24 May 1952 Football has its two-platoon system, baseball...

When is a singleton a good/bad opening lead?

When faced with an opening lead against a suit contract, few defenders can resist leading a singleton in a side suit. At times it...

Thinking Bridge I By Eddie Kantar

During each day of the NABC (National American Bridge Championships) Eddie Kantar, one of the best American bridge writers, analyzes one bridge hand per...

Defending a Conventional 3NT Opening By A. Gumperz

Source: Defending a Conventional 3NT Opening The gambling 3NT opening is a popular method in US Tournament bridge. An opening 3NT promises a solid 7-card minor...

Are You A Good Technician? by Alan Truscott

Do you think you know the standard safety plays?  Here is a small collection of simple suit combinations that are regularly mismanaged by competent...