During the next few weeks, we want to share some of the best moments at the bridge table from SBF 2019.
Rimstedt brothers (world pairs champions for 2018 and last year’s special guests of the Festival)
Let’s see a normal game (which probably most of us will make😎) that secretly hints about the great skills of these wonderful young players:
North-South (Mikael Rimstedt–Ola Rimstedt) reached 6
and the lead was a small heart by West.
The declarer (Ola) won the first trick with the
A and immediately played the singleton club which was won by East. Now East returned another heart and South ruffed with the
7. Then he played the
8 to the
Q, ruffed a club high and cashed trumps, discarding clubs from the dummy.
West was in trouble.
On 5 card ending, he had left with 4 spades and the
K and on the last trump (the squeeze card), he had to surrender one of the suits, letting declarer make the contract.
West decided to discard one of his spades in order to save the
K and now the spades were good. A nicely prepared squeeze to bring the contract home.
If you like bridge, regardless of your skill level, Sofia is the place to be at the end of May. Sofia Bridge Festival comprises of a number of events divided into 3 different categories to suit anyone who loves to play bridge:
🥋 Open – for experienced players who are looking for tough competition
🥳 Social – for relaxed players who want to have fun
👻 Juniors – for the young players who enjoy bridge and travel
☕️ Cafe Bridge – on Thursday 28th of May, we will have a Cafe Bridge Day, which is a social event, where you play a few hands at several different cafeterias and eateries, have drinks, play bridge and have great fun. To make sure we will get the most out of the Day, there will be a party dinner in the evening!
For more information about SBF 2020, check our website 👉
or write us an email at info@sofiabridgefestival.com.

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