Monday, February 17, 2025
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Tag: Bridge in France

28th European Youth Team Championships: French Teams

Source: Benoît Devèze FB Wall Presentation of the 5 French teams 🇫🇷 who will participate this summer in the 28th European Team Championships which will...

France: Agreement with the National Education (2022-2025)

Source: FFbridge FB Wall Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, and Franck Riehm, President of the FFB, have signed a new framework...

France: Youth Bridge Vacations

Beginner or Not, bridge in holiday mode is for you!  On the program of stays, in addition to bridge, plenty of outdoor activities. It's cool to...

Le Petit Bridge – Rules of the game

Source: FFB Youtube channel  Don’t forget to follow us @ WBF Official Youtube Page WBF Facebook Page WBF Instagram WBF Youth Instagram

A Taste of Channel Trophy BY FFBridge

Source: FFBridge Today and tomorrow training matches will take place to replace the Channel Trophy which was to be held in Leuven but postponed to...

France U26 Trials

U26 selection. After 280 deals and 5 days of competition, here is the French team that will defend our colors at the Euro in...

AEFE, official partner of the FFB

Franck Riehm,  president of the FFB  and  Olivier Brochet, director of  the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE)  signed, this Friday, September 10, an agreement committing to develop their...

France, School Bridge: two secondary school students from Parthenay France Champions

Source: The Pierre-Mendès-France college, in Parthenay, can be proud. Two of his students won, last Sunday, the French School Bridge Pairs Championship, in cadet...

French Junior Teams Championship: Wombats is the 2020 Champion

The final's last boards were played yesterday April 30th by: Wombats team Maxence FRAGOLA JARJAILLE Nao TABATA Romain BLOCH Clement TEIL Amel ASMI Colin DEHEEGER Team Girls Sarah COMBESCURE Beryl DUFRENE Mathilde THUILLEZ Anais LELEU After 50...

FFBR: Junior by 4 Semifinal A (Boards By Romain Bloch)

April, 28 2020 Thank You: Romain Bloch for sending us this information. Today were played half of the boards corresponding to the French Youth Online Championship...