Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Tag: defense

Declarer Play of the 2013 Championships? by Marek Wojcicki

Source: 24th EUROPEAN BRIDGE YOUTH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS This morning I received an e-mail from Barry Rigal – the chairman of the Prize Committee of IBPA, concerning...

I Hate Ben Green! by Brian Senior

Source: 24th EUROPEAN BRIDGE YOUTH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Wrocław, Poland 11–20 July 2013 The views contained in this article are solely those of the author. The editors...

A Most Unusual Defensive Hand By Arthur Robbins

Source:  2018 Event facebook 2018 57th Gold Coast Congress Friday 16 February - Saturday 24 February, 2018 The following article by Arthur Robbins appeared in the December 2016...

Defense. Chapter 1 By Oren Lidor

Source: BBO  On the first chapters of these coming articles I will write about important matters on defense. Chapter 1: When you have to lead to...

Defender’s Dilemma by H.Schenken & R. Frey

Source: The Milwaukee Sentinel – 18 Sep 1959 Dealer South E/W Vul 7 4 2 K Q 8 J 9 6 J 10 7 3 A 10 6 9 7 4 3 A 5...

Forcing Defense by James Jacoby

Source: The Southeast Missourian – 3 Dic 1984 When you have some length in the opponent’s trump, a good strategy is to force the declarer to trump. Eventually...

Hey, That’s My Suit!


Improve your Defence with Andrew Kambites

Source: for Mr. Bridge By Andrew Kambites Active and Pasive Defence Against NT  Throughout my new series on defence, I aim to look at what you are...

The Art of False Carding and Deceptive Play in Bridge

Source: The Art of False Carding and Deceptive Play in Bridge By Paul Tobias False Cards are Used By Defenders to 1) Give declarer a choice of how to...

Drawing inferences from your partners card By A. Robson

Source: You have led low and dummy has only low cards. Because the third player should play high, but cheaper of touching highest cards, you...