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Tag: Mike Lawrence

Endplaying an opponent many times By Mike Lawrence

Fuente: August 2016 ACBL Bridge Bulletin This is a hard hand. One of the most important lessons of this is that it teaches the need...

Conventions: Continuations after partner makes a onelevel takeout double, and RHO...

Bulletin ACBL , October 2006 When your partner makes a takeout double, it is common for there to be some competitive bidding. LHO Partner RHO You 1 Doblo 1 ? You can bid a suit you...

Doubling after your partner overcalls at the one level and your...

Source: Bulletin ACBL , September 2006 Your left-hand opponent opens with one of a suit, and your partner bids at the one level. Your RHO bids...

Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) By Samantha Punch

Source: BridgeWinners Some of you may know that last week we hosted a Keep Bridge Alive Pro-Am Tournament in London where we revealed the new...

How to Steal from Your Opponents by Mike Lawrence

Source: SOUTH : 9 8 6 5 3 2 3 10 8 7 3 5 2 West North East South 1 Dbl Rdbl ? This hand shows a bidding trick which is used by...

Play Too Fast Series – In the Bidding By Mike Lawrence

Source: Play Too Fast Series – In the Bidding By Mike Lawrence This article on bidding represents a small change from the normal items that...

When they Redouble by Mike Lawrence

Source:  ACBL A common situation occurs when your partner makes a takeout double and your right-hand opponent redoubles. K Q 7 6 2 Q 7 4...

Playing for the only Hope By Mike Lawrence

+Source: ACBL Bulletins Dealer South, N/S Vul. K 4 2 7 3 2 J 2 Q J 10 7 6 Q J 9 8 7 3 J 10 9 4 K 8 4 10 A...

Red Light By Mike Lawrence

Source:  July 2014 ACBL Bridge Bulletin I spotted this particular defensive play some time ago and have been waiting for the opportunity to use it. Dealer South...

Planning the Play by Ira Corn

“The Jack That Souldn’t Have Stayed in the Box” This deal was one of the most interesting hands of the 1970 World Bridge Championship. Bob...