Source: 36th Nordic Bridge Championships BulletinsNils Kvangraven & Geir Helgemo
There is always a bid, play or defense I felt slipped out of my hands during a tournament. The first day of the Nordic Team Championships had a few of those! Let’s see if you do better than me.
I had a choice in the bidding. After a vulnerable weak 2 by my partner I was pretty sure it had to be some sort of play in a game. I could bid Ogust 3asking for weak or strong suit + hcp or I could ask 2 NT for singletons. I chose the latter. So here we are, playing in a game with slim chances.
West led the king of hearts, East playing the 4. Do you have a plan?
I had, sadly it was to aim for the award of best played hand. The “easy” route to 9 tricks would be winning the lead, spade to ace then a club finesse. If East holds Kx of clubs I make 1 spade, 1 heart and 7 clubs.
Is that a likely distribution?
I hoped the hearts was 4-2 with Hx, and if the player holding Hx of hearts did hold the ace of diamonds there was a fair chance of making by winning the first trick followed by the ace of clubs and the queen.
Now I would have a chance if clubs were 4-1 with stiff king or 10. It just felt like a better chance than the 13% Kx in clubs. Well, as you have guessed the cards was not friendly with me, it all looked like this:
The defense made no mistakes. East won the king of clubs and returned the jack of heart won by the queen. West turned the jack of spades, it all went wrong for me going down in a vulnerable game I could have made.