Opening lead: Q
Bidding commentary: As South, partner’s bidding shows two spades, not three. Partner usually supports directly with three trumps. To bid on in this sequence requires 16+ HCP.
But if you are strong enough to bid again with this distribution, try 3to show a singleton club as well three hearts (your 2rebid has denied four hearts) catering to a possible five hearts in partner’s hand.
As North, holding two spades, a 2rebid after partner bids 2shows six hearts, exceptionally, five headed by three of the top four honor cards. Opener can pass 2with a singleton heart.
Defensive commentary: As East, if declarer plays low at trick one, signal encouragement with the 9, your highest equal spot card. Signaling with the 8 denies the 9!
Play commentary: With the A marked on your right, duck the first club, ruff the club honor return and try to make as many low trumps as you can.
Play the A and K, ruff a diamond low, ruff a club, ruff a diamond with the A and lead dummy’s last club. If West still has a club, you can ruff, your seventh trick.
The K and A bring your trick total to nine. Don’t worry about ruffing a diamond with the A, it’s a loser in any case and it provides you with a dummy entry to ruff a club.
Defensive commentary: Defenders often give count when declarer initiates a suit (diamonds). However, when the count in the suit is known (diamonds is declarer’s second-bid suit), giving count is counter- productive.
As West, if declarer plays a fourth diamond, intending to ruff with dummy’s A, , discard your last club. Now declarer cannot enjoy a third club ruff and is held to eight tricks.