Christian Lahrmann, Søren Bune, Andreas Plejdrup, Emil Buus Thomsen & NPC Claus Lund
England U26
Charles Bucknell, Dominic Price, Stephen Kennedy, Tony Ye, Ben Norton, Shahzaad Natt & NPC Andrew McIntosh
england WHJ 2019Israel
Aviv Zietak, Nir Khutorsky, Amir Ezion, Lior Urman, Gal Matatyahou, Yontan Sliwowicz & NPC Ram Blass
Piotr Marcinowski, Mateusz Sobczak, Jakub Patreuha, Patryk Patreuha & NPC Marek Markowski
Poland Team WHJI 2019
1 of 4
Board 1 generated the first double swing in Poland-Israel match.Board 1
Mateusz Sobczak (POL) opened his hand with 2 and after two pass Amir Ezion (ISR) reopened with 2NT showing values and heart control, his partner transfered to spades and Ezion with 4 cards support closed the spade game.
Declarer won the K with his ace to continue with a spade to the jack, and South won the trick with his ace. Piotr Marcinowski (POL) played the club ace and left his hand with his last heart. North won that trick and continued with another heart, but declarer ruffed with the trump ten, played the trump king a trump to the nine and another trump, and claimed.
At the other table the same contract was one down, generating 11 IMPs for Israel. The hand only generate 1 IMP in the Denmark-England match both tables played the spade game but one made an overtrick.
Board 3 was a huge swing in the Denmark – England match.Board 3
Stephen Kennedy (ENG) opened his hand with a 1 bid, Emil Buus Thomsen (DNM) competed with 1and after Tony Ye (ENG), Søren Bune (DNM) mentioned his diamonds quietly. South showed his clubs, after two pass Bune reopened showing extra length in diamonds, and West closed the NT game.
Declarer was lucky to receive a club lead, and run his 9 tricks. At the other table England tried 5 but finished two down, and 13 IMPs for Denmark.
The board was a push in the Israel-Poland match, both teams played 3scoring +110.
In the meanwhile, another double digit appeared in the Israel-Poland match.Board 4
In a very short bidding Poland arrived very quickly to 4. And it was an easy make.
Lead: Q
Ezion won his partner´s lead and returned another diamond. Now declarer won with the king and ruffed another diamond with the 2 overruffed by West.
Ezion left his hand with a club, declarer won in his hand and played the 10, played a little heart losing to the queen, and West fast returned a trump, declarer won in dummy and ruffed a diamond in his hand with the trump king.
He get the 3 over the table and claimed…+ 620.
At the other table Israel chose to play 5and was three down and -14 IMPs.
Board 6 was another 13 IMPs for Poland when they played a slam where Israel only get to the game.
The same happened in the other match where this time England arrived to the slam while Denmark stayed playing game.
Board 13 was a double difit in Poland -Israel matchBoard 13
Lior Urman (ISR) opened 1and his partner answered 1, East continued describing his hand with 2 and after a long thought Amir Ezion (ISR) invited to game with 3, his partner accepted bidding 3NT.
Declarer won two clubs, three hearts, and 4 diamonds…scoring +600, and adding 10 IMPs because Poland only played 2.
This board was a 3NT push in the Denmark-England match, both tables bidded and made the game.
The last results :