Thursday, July 18, 2024

Riddle N° 30 with Gilad Ofir – WBF Youth Coordinator

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High Level, High Risk, High Reward

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2018 WBF YOTC Solver Problem Nº9 by Ilai Baniri & Fernando...

Discussing some hands of this event with my friend Ilai Baniri (ISR), we decided to consult some hands with friends. I for my side...

How Should You Bid a Freak Hand? by Julian Pottage

The official definition of a freak hand varies. Some say any hand with a void or two singletons. Others say a hand with at...

Complacecy Killed This Cat by Beverly Kraft – Eric Kokish

We've all seen it happen, perhaps to ourselves. A player doubles a contract because he expects to take a number of trump tricks but...

WBTC – Lyon 2017: A Moysian Fit in Lyon 

43rd World Bridge Teams Championships Lyon, France • 12 - 26 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBF Facebook Bulletins  Live News  August 17h Alphonse Moyse Jr. (Sonny) of New York was the...

A Handy Tip from Andy Hung

Source:  14th Coffs Coast Gold Congress at Opal Cove Resort Pairs, Bd 12, W/NS AQT965 KJ AT87 K Sitting South, you pick up this great hand with a nice...

 WBTC – Lyon 2017: Lyon’s Underground Secrets

43rd World Bridge Teams Championships Lyon, France • 12 - 26 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBF Facebook Bulletins  Live News  August 15th Lyon, as Paris, has his own world underground. Like...

Solution to Riddle N° 25 with Kamryn Menezes U21 India Member

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Opener’s Reverse By David Lindop

Source: One standard bidding concept that often leads to confusion is the ‘reverse.’ So let’s see what this term is all about. What Is a Reverse? The most common type...