Thursday, July 18, 2024

Takeout Doubles By Melih Ozdil

Source: Competitive Bidding By Melih Ozdil Author: Melih Ozdil  Standard and modern applications of interferences over opponent's opening bids at every level can be found in this book....

Through the Minefield by Paulo Brum (BRZ)

Rio de Janeiro, August 23 2018 Board 6, from the 3rd segment of the 2018 Junior final between Sweden and Singapore, was very difficult to...

Swedish Excellence by Paulo Brum (BRZ)

Rio de Janeiro, August 23 2018 Sweden had a superb performance in the 2018 World Youth Teams Championships, winning the Under-26 and Under-21 categories. In...

Put Yourself to the Test!

Source: 16TH WORLD YOUTH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Salsomaggiore, Italy PRACTICE MAKES LESS IMPERFECT Solutions ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓   In Opatija last year in the youth pair events, Julie Arbit and Sean Gannon were...

A Real Test by Terence Reese & Nikos Sarantakos

Source: IMPs, as South neither vulnerable, in first seat, you hold: A K Q 10 8 5 4   10 3  2  A K 2 West North East South 2* 3 4 6 ? **Game Forcing Now what? Pass? Double? 6? Pass? That...

Successful Players Create Their Own Luck by Beverly Kraft – Eric...

With both sides vulnerable, South holds: Q 9 4 3 A K Q 8 K 10 2 A 7 Dealer West. West North East South 21  Pass 32 ? (1) 6-card suit, 6-11 HCP (2) No game interest 8 J 10 6...

Competitive Bidding 3: Opening a Major By Yuan Shen

Source: BBO By BBOer Shengabus (Yuan Shen) For a long time, I've suspected that bridge has been misnamed. There's only one suit, and it's spades. So in...

Breakin’ the Rules — Walking the Dog by Joshua Donn

Source: Bridgewinners Breakin' the Rules -- Walking the Dog by Joshua Donn April 29, 2012 “Advanced players know the rules. Experts know when to break the rules.” – Anonymous  Walking the...

A Tale of Two Doubles

Source: 21st European Youth Team Championship; Bulletin 10 - 21 July 2007 The Belgian junior team finished finally in a slightly disappointing 14th place. Not so unexpected,...

Bridge Logic: For Effective Bidding, Keep it Simple

Source: For Forbes India By SANJOY BHATTACHARYYA Effective bidding in bridge is a genuinely challenging task. Figuring out how to arrive at the best contract with...