Thursday, January 23, 2025

Experience Is Unbeatable By Alan Truscott

Source: Bridge: For High-Level Decisions, Experience Is Unbeatable West Dealer, Neither side vulnerable 4 A K J 6 2 K Q J 10 5 K 7 K J 9 7 6...

Ask an Expert: What should I bid?

Source: Australian Bridge Federation Andy Hung has represented Australia in youth teams several times winning the U26 PABF in 2007 and 2010. He was also...

Better to be in the Right Suit than at a Lower...

Source: Mr. Bridge Left-hand opponent opens 3 and there are two passes to you. What is the right bid with this? Let us look at the alternatives: 1)...

Do We Know the Whole Story? by Lynn Berg

I am always sorry for players who shy away from playing notrump – not just because the rewards are greater for tricks in notrump,...

The “Rule of Four” By Andrew Robson

Source: Andrew Robson Bridge Club When partner opens a suit in which you have four cards, there is a certain fit. Whilst occasionally it is...

Are You Serious?

Source: by George Cuppaidge   IF you are serious about bridge, you must be able to incorporate relay into some of your sequences. Garozzo does, why shouldn’t...

To overcall or not? by Zia Mahmood

Thursday 15 December 2011 The two teams that finished first and second in the 2011 English Premier League met in the final of the 2011...

Preemtive Strikes By Mark Horton

Source: 1st YEH ONLINE BRIDGE WORLD CUP (2016) Everyone knows that a preempt is capable of causing havoc at the bridge table - to both sides. (If...

Bidders Club By Brian Senior

Source: 15th European Youth Bridge Championships  West holds: 10  A K Q J  A Q 3  Q 10 8 7 4 Votes: 4 9; Pass 5; Rdbl...

Suit Combinations and Entries By Jim O’Neil

Source: Suit Combinations and Entries By Jim O’Neil One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a declarer is to have several good tricks...