Sunday, May 19, 2024

Bridge Tips By Dr. Harold Schachter

Source: Over the past several years I have been compiling information and guidelines which, cumulatively, have assisted me in improving my understanding, expertise and enjoyment,...

Always Open 1NT/2NT – Even With a Five-Card Major By Marty...

Source: Whenever you have a balance hand and the appropriate point count, open 1NT/2NT. There are absolutely no exceptions. Do not be distracted by a five-card major. Life will...

Who’s got the Queen? by Barbara Seagram

Source: Here we are in 6NT. After the king of diamonds is led, declarer, with only one diamond stopper, is feeling somewhat nervous. She counts her...

Trump Promotion

Trump Promotion:  Occurs when declarer is forced to ruff high in front of a defenders card to prevent an over ruff, and, in the...

Loser on Loser Play

Source: Wikipedia Loser on loser play is a type of declarer's play in contract bridge, usually in trump contracts, where the declarer discards a loser card (the one that...

Courageous decision by Robert S. Wolff (USA)

Wikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff (born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win...

Anxiety – the third worse cause of poor perfomance

Source: A babe in the woods of bridge OK the first cause of lackluster performance is an easy one. Lack of preparation, lack of hardwork. The...

Remember an important appointment! by Phillip Alder (USA)

Source: ACBL: “Phillip Alder is a columnist for The New York Times and a syndicated columnist for 22 years with United Feature Syndicate. His column appears in...

Negative Inferences by Marshall Miles

Source: Negative Inferences by Marshall Miles Perhaps you won’t consider the following hand a problem. True, it shouldn’t have been. But it is the sort of...

The Blind Lead By Oswald jacoby

Source: The Tuscaloosa News – 4 Ene 1983 Dealer South. N/S Vul A Q 6 9 4 K Q 9 3 J 10 4 3 10 7 4 Q 6 5 10 8 6...