Saturday, January 11, 2025

Support our Youth

Source: Recognizing that the future of our game depends on attracting young players, more and more effort is being spent to introduce bridge at schools...

WBF visits the Shanghai Xuhui ShengXing Youth Bridge Club

Source: The Shanghai Xuhui ShengXing Youth Bridge Club was founded by Kong Xiao Chen on June 23th 2011 and is the only one registered youth bridge...

Cambridge A win London Cup for University Teams 2017

Photo: Cambridge A - Ben Kompa, Ryan Chan, Kripa Panchagaula, Jonathan Clark Source: University teams this weekend competed for the London Cup, a one day Swiss teams...

2018 White House Junior International Teams

Kees Tammens is retiring from junior bridge and organising bridge (25 years organising the White House Junior Invitational Teams). Tim Heeres and Bob Drijver...

Dutch Teams Decide the Swiss in the San Diego by Kees...

Photo Team Snellers: Joris van Lankveld, Berend van den Bos, Wubbo de Boer, Agnes Snellers Berend van den Bos-Joris van Lankveld won no less than three...

Dennis Bilde Unofficial Player of the Year Winner

Source: Monday, Dec. 4 12:30 a.m. Danish champion Dennis Bilde is the unofficial winner of the 2017 Player of the Year title, awarded to the player...

EBU: Uppingham School and Bourne Academy visit House of Lords

Source:  Pupils from Uppingham School and Bourne Academy, who have been learning as part of Stamford Youth Bridge Academy (SYBA), visited the House of Lords...

The Dutch Junior (and U-20) Teams 2017 by Kees Tammens

Photo: Ricardo Westerbeek-Merel Bruinsteen-Janneke Wackwitz & Michel Schols The final of the Dutch Junior Teams Championship 2017 was decided on the next to last board. Here...

WBF Youth Bridge Training: Next Matchs

WBF Youth Training Facebook Group News In this group we would like to add everyone who is responsible for the Youth activities: captains and coaches,...

San Diego NABC: Giovanni Donati (Italian Junior) Second in the Mitchell...

Source:  The squad headed by Richard Schwartz averaged more than 17 points a session over four sessions to win the Mitchell Open Board-a-Match Teams. Trailing...