Sweden: The Junior National Team Squad for the 2022-2023 Season by Mikael Grönkvist

Source: https://www.svenskbridge.se/ To be part of a national team squad means, in short, that you are a current candidate to be selected for representation assignments such as EC, WC, NM or other invitational competitions within...

An Inference Certainly by Robert (Bobby) Wolff (USA)

Wikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff (born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win world championships in five different categories.  Wolff was an original member...

BridgeTV – Australia

In March 2022, the Australian Bridge Federation launched its new platform, BridgeTV (bridgetv.com.au). Bridge TV is a new Australian television program that regularly presents news from the bridge world, interviews leading players and personalities in...

Life on the Road by Larry Cohen (USA)

Source: IBPA Bulletin Aug 2022 2006 Buffet Cup in Ireland In September, 2006, the U.S. Ryder Cup golf team lost to Europe in Dublin, but the U.S. bridge team defeated Europe in the inaugural Warren Buffett...

Unlucky Shot by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Column Service AUG 2022 **Source: wikipedia: Tim Bourke "is an Australian bridge player and writer. His joint project with Justin Corfield "the Art of Declarer Play" won the International Bridge Press Book of the Year award in...

A Smart Coward by Robert Wolff (USA)

Wikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff (born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win world championships in five different categories.  Wolff was an original member...

Bridge and Music by Augie Boehm

Source: https://bridgemindsport.org/bridge-and-music/ Bridge and music both have mathematical underpinnings. This blog by pianist and bridge writer, Augie Boehm, discusses the many intersections of bridge and music. Obviously, counting is crucial. Less obvious is the importance...

Junior Pairs Tournament – Sunday 16 October

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An attactive idea by Eric Kokish (CAN)

Wikipedia: Eric O. Kokish (born 1947) is a Canadian professional bridge player, writer, and coach from Montreal. Kokish graduated from McGill University. Kokish has been the coach of Nick Nickell’s professional team for many years. He first worked as coach for the Brazil national team...

Fourth-suit forcing by Phillip Alder (USA)

Source: ACBL: “Phillip Alder is a columnist for The New York Times and a syndicated columnist for 22 years with United Feature Syndicate. His column appears in over 200 papers worldwide. He has also helped to produce...