Broken Suit Play is Correct By Alan Sontag

Source: Daily News – 7 Sep 1979 There is a well-known principle of suit play when you have a broken trump suit and a broken side suit. This principle is to play the broken side suit first to...

WBF Youth Online League Championship 2018: Finals Results by Gilad Ofir

1st WBF YOUTH TEAMS ONLINE CHAMPIONSHIPS (March – July, 2018) Team Roster  Semis Articles August 1st, 2018 I am very proud to announce that the official WBF 1st youth online team championship finished and we have 2 new World...
England: Stamford Inter-Schools Event

England: 2018 Stamford Inter-Schools Event

Source: 100 young players have taken part in Stamford Youth Bridge Academy’s 2nd inter-schools event. 10 schools competed in the over-subscribed competition, and received awards from Gordon Rainsford, and from local MP, Nick Boles. More details are...

2018 Nordic Junior Pair Championship & Junior Camp

Source: 2018 Nordic Junior Pair Championship & Junior Camp, FALKENBERG, SWEDEN Event Details The Swedish Bridge Federation and the Nordic Bridge Union hereby invite your juniors to participate in the 2018 Nordic Junior Pair Championship and Junior Camp. Juniors...

Forcing Defense by James Jacoby

Source: The Southeast Missourian – 3 Dic 1984 When you have some length in the opponent’s trump, a good strategy is to force the declarer to trump. Eventually he may have shorter trump length than you do. Although...

Seven Important Signals to Play by Gene Benedict

Source: Toledo Blade – 26 Dic 1993 MANY small cards you hold will not be useful in taking tricks, but you can use those cards to give signals to your partner. You can tell partner what suit to...

Hey, That’s My Suit!

Margherita Chavarria, Giorgia Botta, Paolo Calir & Massimiliano di Franco

An interesting Vienna Coup Double! by Paolo Clair

Circolo del Bridge di Padova. Sunday February 8, 2015. An interesting Vienna Coup double! Atention: not a double Vienna Coup! Christmas Challenge Tournament. Stong turnout (28 tables). Serene atmosphere. Elegant, friendly, but also really inspired players … !!! Many...

Hoist by his own Petard by Zia Mahmood

Source: The Guardian Thursday 11 August 2011 A lead directing double with a happy ending. For some reason no expert today believes that his partner is capable of finding the best play unaided, so all manner of...

Good Reasoning Helps a Lot by Steve Becker

Source: Times Daily – 19 Oct 1982 Dealer West All Vul K J A 10 8 3 9 5 4 A K J 10 Q 10 7 2 K 5 K Q J 9 8 6 4 A 9 6 5 7 4 A 8 7 2 7 3...

The Trick One by Fred L. Karpin

Dealer South All Vul A Q 3 Q J 10 8 3 K J 10 6 4 8 7 6 7 5 4 2 7 4 A K 9 3 K 9 4 3 A 6 6 5 3 2 8 7 5 J 10 5 K 9 A...

Entry Management by Frank Stewart

Source: The Dispatch – 2 Ene 1995 When dummy has few entries, declarer must handle them with care. Dealer South N/S Vul 9 5 3 2 Q 4 3 6 5 3 K 7 3 A Q 7 6 10 9 8 7 J 8 8 4...

Working on Declarer’s Mind by Ulf Nilsson

Source: Friday 25 June 1999 44th Generali European Bridge Championships When the opponents bid a thin game and everything is working for them, the defenders must get their imagination going. Resorting to falsecards is a...

Why do these things happen to me? by Alfred Sheinwold

Source: The Day – 29 Nov 1991 “Why do these things happen to me?” Unlucky Louie pleaded. “What now?” I sighed, knowing I would hear about it whether or not I asked. Dealer South N/S Vul Q 4 7 3 A K J...

To Finesse or not to Finesse by Fred L. Karpin

" He who lives by the finesse will perish by the finesse" Dealer East N/S Vul A Q 8 5 Q 5 2 A Q J 9 5 3 J 7 3 2 K 8 7 6 4 9 7 4 6 K 10...
Australia Girls

2018 Australian Youth Bridge Week

Source: 6-12th January, in Canberra The 2018 Australian Youth Bridge Championships will be a special one. It is the 50th anniversary celebrarion of the Youth Week, and it will feature new things that have not happened...

USA1 Teams for 17 World Junior Championships SUZHOU (CHI) 2018

Source: Photos by Peg Kaplan Photo: USA1 for the Patiño Cup: Adam Kaplan-Christian Jolly, Zach Grossack-Oren Kriegel, Ben Kristensen-Kevin Rosenberg. Under 21, who will be USA1 for the Damiani Cup: Brent Xiao-Kevin Huang, Cornelius Duffie-Richard Jeng-SarahYougquist. Young Women under...

Card Reading by Jay Becker

Source: Reading Eagle – 23 Mar 1977 The secret of good dummy play is good card reading. This consists mainly of diagnosing how the unseen cards are likely to be divided and then taking the proper measures to...

Helgemo’s World of Bridge por Geo Tislevol & Geir

Source: 17th European Youth Bridge Team Championships Monday, 10 July 2000 We have spared no expense in securing permission from Five Aces to publish an extract from a book about the maestro, ‘Helgemo’s World of Bridge’...

Two, Three, or Four?


The “Rule of Sixteen” by Andrew Robson

Source: Sometimes - often - you can gain more by penalising the opponents than by making your own contract. This is particularly true when an opponent has opened 1 NT. Any hand, balanced or otherwise, with...

In the Practice of Legerdemain by Charles Goren

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – 15 Jun 1948 Dealer South Neither Vul 10 9 7 6 3 Q 4 Q 7 3 Q 8 2 A 5 10 9 8 6 10 9 4 K 9 6 5 4 2 A 5 3 2 8 6 2 A J 7 3 K...

Win at Bridge By Oswald Jacoby

Source: The Owosso Argus-Press – 20 Jun 1963 Dealer South N/S Vul K J 9 5 6 3 A 9 A Q J 4 3 4 K 9 7 4 Q 10 7 5 2 J 10 8 2 8 7 A Q J 10 8 5 J 6...

Thinking outside the box By Phillip Alder

FEB. 6, 2015 There are some bridge players who can, to use a hackneyed term, think outside the box. Geir Helgemo, a Norwegian by birth who plays for Team Monaco, is one of the few...

Using Landy By Tor Helness

I would like to inform the players about Landy, a convention in use after the opponents have opened 1NT. A 2 overcall is showing at least 4-4 in the majors, and a 2relay from partner is asking...

Red Light By Mike Lawrence

Source:  July 2014 ACBL Bridge Bulletin I spotted this particular defensive play some time ago and have been waiting for the opportunity to use it. Dealer South All Vul A Q 6 9 8 7 3 A 6 5 4 J...

The Final Problem By Micke Melander

Sherlock Holmes is known for his logical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise and his use of forensic science to solve difficult cases. A bridgeplayer that has been around at the highest...

Play in Trump Contracts By Melih Ozdil

Source: BBO By Melih Ozdil It is an advantage to choose a suit with 8 or more cards as trump. However, trump play is not as easy as many think. There are rules that should be known...

Generating Swings by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

Consider How Things May Look to Partner by Andrew Robson

Source: One the most inherently beautiful aspects of bridge is the partnership element. The true expert nurtures his partner; he anticipates any problems that his partner is likely to have and, if necessary, takes control....

Justice was Made by Benjamin Robles

A few years ago with my partner Joaquin Pacareu we played in the 2013 Atlanta NABC as part of the d’Orsi team: Ernesto d’Orsi – Mauricio Figueiredo – Miguel Villas-Boas – Joao Paulo Campos, Sao...

Last Train to Clarksville by Fred Gitelman

IMPROVING 2/1 GF – THE LONG AWAITED SEQUEL In the last issue I wrote my first article about bidding, specifically on improving the way that most people play 2/1 game force. Much to my surprise,...

Reducing the Opponent’s Ruffing Power! By Liam Milne

Source: ABF Bulletins You might have heard the advice “lead trumps against doubled part-scores”. This is usually sound advice: if you have doubled the opponents at a low-level, your side frequently has the balance of strength,...

A Real Killer By Easley Blackwood

Source: Schenectady Gazette – 21 Sep 1953 Mr. Meek is a good opening leader. One reason is that he gets plenty of practice. He defends on more hands than anyone else, including hands where he should have...
Australia Girls

ABF Youth Development Officer

Source: To assist in achieving the goals of increasing the quantity and quality of young bridge players, we are seeking Expressions of Interest for the role of ABF Youth Development Officer. The role will also take...

If You’re not Sure, Bid One More by Henry Francis

1977 BERMUDA BOWL WORLD BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP MANILA, OCTOBER 20-28, 1977 October 26, 1977 BY HENRY G. FRANCIS IF YOU” RE NOT SURE. BID ONE MORE It doesn”t always work, but a good rule of thumb is to bid one...

52 Facts of Bridge Life I by Eddie Kantar

Surely a player of your bridge skills is familiar with most or all of the following tips you are about to read. But is your partner? Tips 1-10 are bidding tips. 1. When partner bids two...

The World Wide Bridge Contest

Source: The 2018 World Wide Bridge Contest will be played on eight different days with simultaneous pairs being held on: Tuesday 27th March & Thursday 29th March Tuesday 24th April & Thursday 26th April Monday 7th May & Wednesday...

Bridge & Humor: Falling into a well by Alfred Sheinwold

Source: t. Petersburg Times – 5 Ago 1970 For thousands of years, a stock comedy figure has been the man who looks at the stars and falls into a well. During the recent world championship in Stockholm one of...

Junior Channel Trophy 2017 by Kees Tammens

The Channel Trophy is a tournament with four countries (England, Belgium, France and the Netherlands) situated more or less along the Channel, which divides Great Britain and the main land of Europe. The venue...

Declarer Must Count the defenders’ hands by Frank Stewart

May 7, 2013 “I know declarer must count the defenders’ hands,” a club player said to me. “I try, but I forget what’s been played. What’s the solution?” “If I don’t want to forget something,” Cy...

The Art of Card Reading

Source: The Art of Card Reading at Bridge By Fred L. Karpin One of the greatest players the world has ever known was the late Helen Sobel, who passed away in 1969. It should be pointed out...

Bridge Yesterday A Vienna Coup by Paul F. Zweifel

Source, I frequently go over to visit my friend (and sometime partner) Lewis Barnett to thumb through his huge collection of old bridge magazines, including Bridge World back to year one. On a recent browsing...

What A Glorious Hand by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

The Dean of the Paradoxical Bridge Hands by The Aces

Boca Raton News – Jul 1, 1975 by The Aces Jan Wohlin of Stockholm, the dean of the paradoxical bridge hands, has come up with another gem. Jan is a regular contributor to the bulletin of the International...

Helen Sobel Never Did Learn by Oswald Jacoby

Source: Daily News – May 9, 1977 A perfect safety play is one that is going to work against any and all card combinations. Here is one that is not well known. A story goes with it. Some...

How to be a Lucky Player

Source:  This is the title of the new book by Matthew Thomson, Australian professional bridge player. As mentioned previously here, Matthew is the best player I’ve partnered – totally by lucky chance (for me, that...

Test Your Safety Play

Source: Jordan_Br youtube Channel
Stageland, da Rosa, Cruzisio, Hegge

Breaking the 26 Points Barrier by Greg Quittner

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald – 1 Jun 1989 The importance of hand evaluation in bridge is often not taken into consideration by bridge players. The fact that you may have passed on the first round does not...

Bridge Echos

Source: Smith Echo The Smith Echo is a popular defensive signal against notrump contracts. After declarer wins his first trick, he often leads his own long suit.   When that occurs, the partner of the opening...
2016 Team Canada

Support our Youth

Source: Recognizing that the future of our game depends on attracting young players, more and more effort is being spent to introduce bridge at schools and attract young players to our great game. The CBF, through...

WBF visits the Shanghai Xuhui ShengXing Youth Bridge Club

Source: The Shanghai Xuhui ShengXing Youth Bridge Club was founded by Kong Xiao Chen on June 23th 2011 and is the only one registered youth bridge training organization in Shanghai. The Club takes care of teaching...

2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games recap day 2

Ben Kompa, Ryan Chan, Kripa Panchagaula, Jonathan Clark

Cambridge A win London Cup for University Teams 2017

Photo: Cambridge A - Ben Kompa, Ryan Chan, Kripa Panchagaula, Jonathan Clark Source: University teams this weekend competed for the London Cup, a one day Swiss teams competition organised by Imperial College Bridge Club, and supported by...

Guessing and Finessing by Terence Reese

These experts are so lucky, they always seen to guess right, said the old lady attending her first bridge tournament. And what she said was true. No one can make a King sit on the...

2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games – Welcome to Huai’an


2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games recap day 1


Ruff high, ruff low, or discard?


It’s got to be the most bizarre news story of the year by Susanna...

Source: The Spectator 13 February, 2016 It’s got to be the most bizarre news story of the year: last week, no fewer than 50 Thai police officers burst into a bridge club in Pattaya —...

Suicide Squeeze by David Bird & Martin Hoffman

Source: Inspired Cardplay Here is an example of the suicide squeeze. The deal was played by Brian Senior, who has de distinction of representing both England and Ireland in internationals. Dealer South All Vul 9 6 3...

Lead Towards Possible Winners


The Plan XLVI by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Dic. 2017 Dealer South N/S Vul 8 8 5 2 6 4 3 2 K J 7 4 3 J 10 6 4 3 4 A K J 8 7 9 6 9 7 2 A 9 7 3 Q 9 5 Q 10...

The 12 Habits of Highly Effective Bidders II by Karen Walker

How does your partner react when you propose a new addition to your bidding system? Some players have never met a convention they didn’t like – or wouldn’t at least try. The slower adopters...

England vs Wales, Part II by Andrew Robson

Produced by Conrad Brunner @ConradBrunner

England vs Wales, Part I by Andrew Robson

Produced by Conrad Brunner @ConradBrunner

The Plan XLV by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Dic. 2017 Dealer North E/W Vul 10 8 7 A 7 K Q J 10 Q 10 6 4 Q J 4 2 9 4 9 6 4 3 A K 9 --- 10 8 5 3 2 8 2 J 8 7 5...

The Only Chance by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

2018 White House Junior International Teams

Kees Tammens is retiring from junior bridge and organising bridge (25 years organising the White House Junior Invitational Teams). Tim Heeres and Bob Drijver will try to make everything go smoothly for the White...

Breaking The Rules by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

The Plan XLIV by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Dic. 2017 Dealer East Neither Vul 10 7 6 3 K 2 K Q 6 5 J 10 2 K J 9 5 4 Q J 10 8 7 5 10 7 --- Q 9 4 8 4 3 K Q 9 8 7...

Dont Follow rules blindly By Alfred Sheinwold

Source: The Lewiston Daily Sun – 9 Sep 1970 If you could be a good bridge player by just following general rules, there would be 40 million experts in the United States alone, and they would generate enough...

The Plan XLIII by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Dic. 2017 Dealer South All Vul J 4 A Q J 6 3 K 8 7 5 9 3 K 10 9 6 K 7 5 4 --- A Q 10 7 5 Q 8 5 3 10 8 2 6 3 2 K...

Don’t Gild The Lily by Andrew Robson

Andrew warns against the dangers of recklessly pursuing a game contract, particularly in duplicate pairs. Produced by Conrad Brunner @ConradBrunner

Camrose Best Played Hand by Andrew Robson

Top bridge tips from Andrew Robson. This is the Best Played Hand from Oxford Camrose, played by Derek Patterson of Kent and England. Produced by Conrad Brunner @ConradBrunner

The Faulty Holdup by Ira Corn

Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” “The grave’s a fine and quiet place, but no one there will cash his ace” Can the hand be made, or must it go down to defeat? Dealer South N/S Vul 10 9...

Challenge Accepted – Frank0 Vs Pete

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

Working Out The Shape by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...
Joris van Lankveld, Berend van den Bos, Wubbo de Boer, Agnes Snellers

Dutch Teams Decide the Swiss in the San Diego by Kees Tammens

Photo Team Snellers: Joris van Lankveld, Berend van den Bos, Wubbo de Boer, Agnes Snellers Berend van den Bos-Joris van Lankveld won no less than three junior world titles. In 2011(Opatija) they took the gold medal...

Care Reaps a Reward by Ira Corn

Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” Why do some players recognize the correct play only after it is too late? Sometimes it is discovery of the laction of the opponents cards. Many times it’s becuase...

A Costly Mistake by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

Taking All Your Chances by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

Different Strokes

Source: Dealer West N/S Vul A J 10 4 A K 9 8 4 8 A K Q 7 3 2 J 10 7 3 6 3 2 7 4 3 West North East South 1 Dbl Pass 1 2 4 Pass Pass Pass West leads the K against your spade game. When it holds, he continues with...
Dennis Bilde

Dennis Bilde Unofficial Player of the Year Winner

Source: Monday, Dec. 4 12:30 a.m. Danish champion Dennis Bilde is the unofficial winner of the 2017 Player of the Year title, awarded to the player who wins the most platinum masterpoints in a calendar year....

Count Your Tricks Not Your Points



Source: Wikipedia In the card game of contract bridge, partners defending against a contract may play particular cards in a manner which gives a coded meaning or signal to guide their subsequent card play; also referred to as carding. Signals...

Rusinow Leads

Source: Wikipedia Rusinow leads is a bridge convention used as part of defensive carding. Rusinow leads are commonly used only on the opening lead against a suit contract; nevertheless, some experts use Rusinow leads only against notrump. They were devised by Sydney Rusinow...

Fourth Suit Forcing

Source: Wikipedia Fourth suit forcing (also referred to as fourth suit artificial; abbreviated as FSF or 4SF) is a contract bridge convention that allows responder to create, at his second turn to bid, a forcing auction. A bid by responder in the fourth suit, the...

Multi Coloured Two Diamonds

Produced by Conrad Brunner

Confidence by Andrew Robson

Source: “Fortune favours the bold” is especially true at the bridge table, where confident-sounding bids on slender values reap dividends. Dealer: South N/S Vul K Q J 3 8 7 4 2 10 8 3 2 K 10 8 6 5 A...
Australia Girls

The Plan XVII by Tim Bourke

Source. IBPA Column Service IMPs:  Dealer South;  E/O Vulnerable 9 7 5 4 3 9 4 A 8 5 10 8 2 --- A K 8 5 3 9 7 A K Q 6 5 3 West North East South 1 1 Pass 2 3 Pass 5 Pass Pass Pass Opening Lead: K This deal cropped up in a...

Probabilities by John Brown

The percentages given below have been taken from Mr. Ely Culbertson’s : The Red Book on Play 7 cards in opponents’ hands are divided:  4-3 About three times in five deals (62%) 5-2 About three...

The Plan XVI by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Column Service IMPs Dealer South Neither Vul A 10 8 7 6 3 8 3 2 K 4 K 4 K 9 5 2 K 7 4 A 9 8 3 A Q West North East South 1NT Pass 4* Pass 4 Pass Pass Pass * Texas transfer to Spades Contract: 4 Opening Lead: J You take the...

Cuebidding Slams in Contract Bridge


Preparing for a Squeeze by David Bird & Martin Hoffman

Source: Inspired Cardplay To get you into the right of mind for this chapter, let's start with a technical hand that involves several common preparatory moves leading to a squeeze Dealer East Neither Vul Q J 8 A...

In 3NT, what to promote?

Source: BridgeHands

Four Of A Major vs 3NT by Andrew Robson

Produced by Conrad Brunner @ConradBrunner

Duplicate Pairs Tactics by Andrew Robson

Produced by Conrad Brunner @ConradBrunner

With Trump Length, Lead Length by Andrew Robosn

Source: There are two diametrically opposite defensive strategies against trump contracts. You can lead from shortage and try to make your trumps by trumping; alternatively you can lead from length and try to force declarer...
Giuseppe Delle Cave & Sebastian Ochoa

Choise in the Play by Ira Corn

Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” by Ira Corn Mike Lawrence of the aces carned a star award for his play of today’s hand. The hand was played in an early round of the Spingold...

Animated Bridge with Andrew Robson


Choice of Trump Suits by Andrew Robson

Source: Dealer South N/S Vul 8 6 4 4 J 8 6 5 4 A Q 6 4 K Q J 7 10 8 5 2 Q J 9 8 3 A 10 9 3 2 9 3 K 10 9 10 5 2 5 A K Q J 7 A...

Controversial Decisions by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

The Plan XXV by Tim Bourke

Source: Example: 826 IBPA Column Service. Dealer South E/O Vul 9 6 4 2 K 9 A 7 6 4 K 9 4 Q 10 7 3 J 8 Q 10 8 3 A 10 3 J 8 Q 7 6 3 J 9 J 8 6 5 2 A...

Cash your sure winners!


With a NT Contract, count your winners!


Double Throw-In by Double Throw-In by Nikola Tcholakov

Source: IMPs  Dealer South All Vul 10 8 5 4 A K Q 10 8 7 A 10 7 A K J 7 7 5 J 5 4 2 K 9 3 West North East South 1 Pass 2 2 Pass Pass 4 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: 4 You are South here, all in red, and being very...

The final of White House Juniors 2017 between Poland and the Netherlands by Kees...

Many juniors of long ago that reached eventually the top of international bridge, will remember with great joy the twelve fabulous years (1993-2004) in ‘s Hertogenbosch where national junior teams from all parts of...

A Prayer Answered By Russ Ekeblad

Source: Medellin, June 6, 2016 We all know how cruel the bridge gods can be and we often bemoan our fate at their hands. Every once in awhile, however, they smile down on us in a...

Jump Rebid in a new Suit by Andrew Robson

Source: Some bids in bridge are complete “sign off’s” - e.g. 1NT-2. Some are invitational - e.g. 1-3, and some force partner to speak again - e.g. 1-1. A few bids actually force partner to...

When To Accept Invites by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

Who Has The Club King by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

Indicating Inferences by Andrew Robson

Source: Why was I driving in the slow lane of the motorway? Simple. I was enjoying listening to two of my favourite half-hour radio programmes: “The Last Word” and (especially) Tim Harford’s wonderful “More or...

How To Intrafinesse by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

How To Get Better At Bridge – Episode #1 – Journey To The Bermuda...

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open level competition. Pete was a member of the anchor partnership...

Pass or Double? by Andrew Robson

Source: Our featured deal was the clincher for myself and partner Alexander Allfrey (sitting East-West) in the European Open Pairs. Clincher in the sense that it decided our fate – either positively or negatively (I’ll...

The Plan X by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Column Service IMPs;  Dealer South; All Vul 8 4 J 7 6 Q J 10 7 3 7 5 3 J 10 9 6 Q 9 8 3 A 9 5 Q 8 7 5 3 2 10 5 2 8 2 K 10 9...

The Plan VII (Timing) by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Column Service IMPs;  Dealer South;  All Vul 10 5 9 4 A J 7 6 K 9 8 7 6 A J 7 3 A K J 3 10 9 2 10 2 2 Q 10 8 7 5 2 8 5 4 Q J...

The Plan XXIII by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Column Service 814 IMP Dealer North N/S Vul A 2 K 4 A Q J 10 9 6 3 10 5 K 7 6 3 Q J 8 6 5 2 Q J 6 West North East South 1 Pass 1 Pass 3 Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening Lead J West led the jack of spades and...

What Do you Lead? Compare with the Masters by Fernando Lema

Monday, January 11, 2016 59 years ago, in January 1957 the The British Bridge World magazine edited by Terence Reese, published: “This is the hand on which the debated lead of Q was made by one of...

Support Doubles


Play Modern Bridge Part 2 with Andrew Robson


Keep bidding your long suit or support partner’s long suit?


The Plan IV by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Aug 2013 MP Dealer North N/S Vul 9 5 9 K J 10 9 8 4 2 9 6 4 A K K Q J 10 8 Q 6 A Q J 2 West North East South 3 Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening Lead Q What would be your plan for...
Italian delegarion Opatija 2015

The Plan III By Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Bulletin Aug 2013 IMPs Dealer South Both Vul A Q 7 K Q K J 8 7 4 Q J 6 K 8 6 A 6 A 10 6 5 3 A 8 4 West North East South 1NT Pass 6NT Pass Pass Pass Opening Lead 3 After this simple auction, West led a...

First Things First by Ira Corn

Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” Barry Crane, producer of the popular television series “Mission Impossible” is one of the leading tournament players in the country. Each year he is among the top finishers for the...

Find the missing Queen, the easy way! – Sky Bridge Club


The Art of Balancing – Sky Bridge Club


Brozel Convention

Source: Wikipedia Brozel is a contract bridge bidding convention used to intervene after an opposing one notrump (1NT) opening bid. It features the following calls: Double – shows any single suit; advancer bids 2, after which...
Margherita Chavarria, Giorgia Botta, Paolo Calir & Massimiliano di Franco

Walsh Convention

Source: Wikipedia 5 4 Q J K 9 8 7 3 2 7 Walsh is a convention used in the card game of bridge in response to an opening bid of 1. The convention has its origins in the Walsh System developed by Richard Walsh. In...

May 2017 Challenge Hand – Learn to play bridge with Joan Butts Bridge


Renee Cooper – Weekly Free #128

Giovanni Donati & Massimiliano di Franco

Rubens Advances

Source: Wikipedia Rubens advances (also referred to as transfer advances) constitute a bridge bidding method that can be used by a bridge partnership to respond to overcalls. The method was devised by Jeff Rubens and published in The Bridge World. Using Rubens advances, the...

Gerber Convention

Source: Wikipedia Gerber is a contract bridge convention devised by William Konigsberger and Win Nye from Switzerland who published it in 1936; John Gerber of Texas introduced it to North America in 1938 where it was named after him. It is similar to Blackwood but...

Top of a Sequence


No Fit? No Trump!


XYZ Convention

Source: Wikipedia After opener's one of a suit (X), partner's one of a suit response (Y) and opener's 1-level rebid (Z) (a very common sequence), 2from opener's partner forces 2from opener. Holding a weak hand...

Vienna Coup

Source: Wikipedia The Vienna coup is an unblocking technique in contract bridge made in preparation for a squeeze play. It is so named because it was originally published by James Clay (1804-1873) after observing it being executed in the days of whist by "the greatest...

Splinter Bid

Source: Wikipedia In the card game "contract bridge", a splinter bid is a convention whereby a double jump response in a side-suit indicates excellent support for partner's major-suit opening bid (at least four cards), a singleton or void in the side-suit...

Smith Signal

Source: Wikipedia The Smith signal (also known as Smith echo or Smith Peter) is an attitude carding signal in contract bridge showing additional values (or lack thereof) in the first suit led by the defence, while the signal itself is given in the first...

Brain Health & Wellness by Jon Saraceno

Source: A Bridge to Brainpower? Playing your cards right can help keep you sharp long after retirement l On the cusp of his 90th birthday, Leonard Melander passionately pursues a lifelong love affair with bridge, that sophisticated and...

Negative Free Bid

Source: Wikipedia Negative free bid is a contract bridge treatment whereby a free bid by responder over an opponent's overcall shows a long suit in a weak hand and is not forcing. This is in contrast with standard treatment, where a...

Muiderberg Convention

Source: Wikipedia Muiderberg is a bidding convention in the card game bridge. It is a two-level preemptive opening based on a two-suiter with precisely a five-card major and a minor suit (four-card or longer). In Muiderberg the 2opening denotes five hearts...

Dummy Reversal

Source: Wikipedia Dummy reversal (also known as reverse dummy) is a technique in contract bridge whereby declarer uses trump cards to ruff from the hand with more (longer) trumps, and retains the trumps in the other (shorter) hand to draw the opponents' remaining...

Losing-Trick Count

Source: Wikipedia In the card game contract bridge, the Losing-Trick Count (LTC) is a method of hand evaluation used in situations where a trump suit has been established and shape and fit are more significant than high card points (HCP) in determining the...

Loser on Loser

Source: Wikipedia Loser on loser play is a type of declarer's play in contract bridge, usually in trump contracts, where the declarer discards a loser card (the one that is bound to be given up anyway) on an opponent's...

Law of Total Tricks

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, the Law of total tricks (abbreviated here as LoTT) is a guideline used to help determine how high to bid in a competitive auction. It is not really a law (because counterexamples are...

Journalist Leads

Source: Wikipedia Journalist leads are an opening lead convention in the game of contract bridge. The method is designed to solve some problems with traditional agreements regarding opening leads. It bears some resemblance to Rusinow leads but differences exist. Journalist leads...

Game Try

Source: Wikipedia A game try (also called a game trial bid) in the card game of bridge is a bid that shows interest in bidding a game and asks partner to help in making the decision. For example, (using Acol or Standard American bidding) if opener, with...

Avoidance Play

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, avoidance play is a play technique whereby declarer prevents a particular defender from winning the trick, so as to eschew a dangerous lead from that hand. The dangerous hand is usually the one...

Texas Transfer

Source: Wikipedia Texas transfer, or simply Texas, is a bidding convention in contract bridge. Originated independently by David Carter of St. Louis and Olle Willner of Sweden, and used in response to a notrump opening when holding a six-card or...

Principle of Restricted Choice

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, the principle of restricted choice states that play of a particular card decreases the probability its player holds any equivalent card. For example, South leads a low spade, West plays a low one,...

The Plan XLII by Tim bourke

Dealer North E/W Vul A Q 3 2 --- A 8 7 4 Q J 9 7 5 --- Q J 10 5 4 10 6 3 2 A 8 6 3 K 7 6 4 A 8 7 2 K Q J 9 2 J 10...

Matters of Entry by Terence Reese

On many hands declarer can count sufficient tricks for his contract but his difficulty lies in being at the right place at the right time. In a word, he has entry trouble. A sort of...

The Illusionist Reloaded by Fernando Lema

In the city of Montevideo (ROU) from May 26 to June 3, 2012 was held the IV South American Transnational Bridge Festival, Montevideo 2012. After the first 20 boards set d’Orsi team was winning the...

The Plan XLI by Tim Bourke

Dealer North All Vul A A 9 7 6 K 10 9 8 6 Q 8 7 Q J 10 7 10 4 A 7 3 2 K 6 3 8 6 5 3 2 Q J 8 3 J 5 4 2 K 9 4 K 5...

The Plan XL by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Nov 2017 Dealer West All Vul A 10 9 2 5 2 K 9 5 2 A Q 6 8 7 6 J 4 J 10 8 4 10 8 4 2 K 4 3 A Q 10 9 8 7 6 7 5...
Ola Rimstedt, Moa Petersen y Johan Säfsten.

A Kind of Discovery Play PO Sundelin, Stockholm

Source: IBPA Bulletin Nov 2017 I suffered the following recently, in a team match against Ola Rimstedt (East): Dealer West N/S Vul 10 K 7 3 2 K J 10 6 4 3 2 6 K J 7 Q J 10 9 8...
Sweden Junior team

Exchanging One Trick for Another by Terence Reese

Declarer can sometines keep a dangerous defender out of the lead by giving up a trick in one suit in exchange for a trick in another. Dealer West All Vul K 8 5 8 5 2 A 4 K J...
Italy Junior Team

Attacking the Danger Hand by Terence Reese

On many no trump hands declarer has to force out two defensive winners before he can run his tricks. It may be essential to force out those winners in the right order. Usually the first...
Italy Junior team

Tactical Moves in Play by Terence Reese

On many hands declarer can count sufficient tricks for his contract but his difficulty lies in being at the right place at the right time. In a word, he has entry trouble. Dealer South All...
Italy Junior team

Entries Managment by Terence Reese & Rogel Trezel

Source: ” Those Extra Chances in Bridge” Many contracts depend on a particular card being in the hand of the righ opponent. Even so, it may not be clear how to play in manner that...
Bill Gates, Sharon Osberg & Al Levy

Meet the woman who gives bridge tips to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates By...

Source: Washington Post Most of the entrepreneurs I write about use business as a way to pursue their passions, whether it’s philanthropy, culture, sports or politics. Sharon Osberg is the other way around. Her passion is playing...
Danmark Junior team

Adopting the Latter Strategy by Tim Bourke

Source: the IBPA column service August 2013 A Q 7 K Q K J 8 7 4 Q J 6 K 8 6 A 6 A 10 6 5 3 A 8 4 West North East South 3NT Pass 6NT End Opening Lead 3 After this simple auction, West led a fourth-highest three of hearts....

A Double Morton’s Fork Coup by Tim Bourke

IMPs;  Dealer West; All Vul K J 9 4 7 5 J 8 7 5 Q 6 3 A 8 A K 9 8 3 2 10 4 A J 9 10 7 6 5 3 6 6 3 2 10 8 4 2 Q 2 Q J...

Rubensohl Convention

Source: Wikipedia Rubensohl (also referred to as Rubinsohl) is a bridge convention that can be used to counter an opponent's intervention over a 1NT opening bid. After opponent's two-level overcall, all bids starting from 2NT are transfer bids to the next strain. Although Ira Rubin devised similar...

Takeout Double

Source: Wikipedia In the card game contract bridge, a takeout double is a low-level conventional call of "Double" over an opponent's bid as a request for partner to bid his best of the unbid suits. The most common takeout double is...

Fourth Suit Forcing

Source: Wikipedia Fourth suit forcing (also referred to as fourth suit artificial; abbreviated as FSF or 4SF) is a contract bridge convention that allows responder to create, at his second turn to bid, a forcing auction. A bid by responder in the fourth suit, the only...

Checkback Stayman

Source: Wikipedia 1m – 1M; 1NT – 2 2Checkback Stayman (or simply Checkback) is used after a 1NT rebid by opener rather than a 1NT opening. It is used to "check back" if opener has major suit...

Change of Plan by John Brown

Dealer South N/S Vul 8 5 3 J 7 Q 9 A Q J 8 4 3 6 A Q 10 6 K J 10 7 5 2 K 5 West North East South 1 Pass 2 2 3 4 5 Pass Pass Dbl Pass Pass Pass Opening Lead A West ledA and continued with theJ,  South ruffed with the2, and played...

No Trump Plans and Plays by John Brown

Consider this situation: A 2 K J 6 Q 9 8 A 10 8 7 4 10 9 6 3 A Q K J 10 6 Q J 2 Opening Lead 7 hat would you do? It is probable that East holds one honour in...

Plan, Count, Plan by David Bakhshi

Salsomaggiore, August 8 2016

Forming a Plan by Terence Reese

In a no trump contract the delcarer’s first concern is usually whether or not to hold up in the suit led; his second, which suit to develop first. His choice will be determined by considerations...

The Trick One by Tim Bourke

Dealer West, E/W Vul K 2 K 10 9 K J 6 2 K 8 6 5 Q 10 5 3 Q J 6 Q 8 4 3 A Q West North East South 1 Dbl Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening Lead 6 West led a fourth-highest the 6 against 3NT. As only 14 high-card points...

The Crocodile Coup by Fernando Lema

The Crocodile Coup is a defense coup, specifically by the second hand that’s playing the trick. The second hand must play a card higher than necessary to win the trick, getting the lead, and...

The Crocodile Coup

Source: Wikipedia he Crocodile Coup is a play in the game contract bridge. It is executed by the defense: specifically by the second hand to play to a trick. It is the play of a higher card than might...
Vuk Trnavac

The Deschapelles Coup by Ira Corn

Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” by Ira Corn The Merrimac Coup is a fascinating play that involves the deliberate sacrifice of a high card with the object of knocking out a vital entry in...

Accepting or Refusing Trick Nº1 por Ira Corn

Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” by Ira Corn “Before you grab the fist one trick – Think, Think, Think" The 1971 World Championship was scheduled in May and was played in Taipei, Taiwan. Roger Trezel...

Extra Care in Slam Play by Ira Corn

Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” by Ira Corn “Although the bidding was aggressive, the final contract was certainly reasonable.” Dealer South, neither Vul J 10 8 7 6 A 4 3 J 4 K 7 6 Q 3 K Q J...

Watch Your Step Carefully by Nikola Tcholakov (BUL)

It is really a good advice for the declarer not to hurry after the lead when dummy goes down. Don’t be mislead by a world champion who immediately touches a card from dummy. Be...

A Subtle Avoidance Play by David Bird

Almost every issue of International Popular Bridge includes an article by David Bird featuring some bridge in darkest Africa. The players are mostly Africans with the witch doctor as the strongest player, analyst and...

The Endplay

An endplay (also throw-in), in bridge, is a tactical play where a defender is put on lead at a strategic moment, and then has to make a play that loses one or more tricks. Most commonly the...

Eliminations Play by David Bird & Martin Hoffman

Source: Inspired Cardplay The most familiar type of elimination play is the “ruff and discard elimination”. The defender who is thrown on lead has the choice between playing on a suit, to your advantage, or giving...

Sanya 2014: A Dennis Bilde Nice Defense Hand

Dennis Bilde is playing with Christina Lund Madsen in the Mcallister team in the Mixed Teams Championship in Sanya 2014. Watch the young star of Denmark telling us a funny defense developed with his...

Aboard the Black Arrow by Fernando Lema

On Thurday 4th of January I was kibitzing Jimmy Cayne’s usual team match on BBO and I enjoyed this hand, interesting and instructive. Alfredo Versace, World Champion, sits North and bid 4, wich East...

A Just Decision by Fernando Lema

Medellin, May 29 2016 Under the VI South American Transnational Championships, Medellin 2016 we present you the Hand of the day, in this case explained by the South American Master: Carlos Pellegrini (ARG).  

The Hidden Dummy by Mel Colchamiro

Source: ACBL Most players learn early on that a way to make extra tricks is to “ruff losers in the dummy.” For example, if we have a trump suit consisting of A–K–Q–x–x in our hand and...

Count, Add, Substract By Shepard Barclay

Source: The Free Lance-Star – 25 Feb 1946 Counting the known cards in a suit held by various players, next adding their amounts together and then subtracting that total from 13—that simple process constitutes about half of...

Don’t Stop Counting When Auction Ends by Alfred Sheinwold

Source: The Morning Record – 19 Sep 1964 During the action you count your points and add them to the, points shown by your partner’s bids. The total tells you how high your side can afford to bid....

Counting the Hands by W. M. McKenney

“Counting the hands” that is, determining the distribution of a suit in all four hands, is one of the things in bridge play which the beginner finds difficult, and over which even the expert...

Maneuvers to Learn to Count the Hand by Tim Bourke

Dealer: South North/South Vunerable A K J 10 2 A 4 3 2 K 3 5 3 --- K J 9 6 5 Q 10 8 6 Q J 9 2 9 8 7 5 4 8 7 J 7 10 8 7 4 Q 6 3 Q...

The Impossible 2 Spades by Billy Miller

Source: The Coolest Gizmos and Gadgets; January 2010 ACBL Bridge Bulletin What could be more fun than having a cool gizmo or gadget come up at the bridge table? Whatever level of your partnership, it is...

Win at Bridge by Alan Sontag

Source: The Times-News – 3 Sep 1980 Dealer North N/S Vul 10 5 A J 10 6 2 Q 9 3 A K 2 K 9 9 K 10 8 4 2 J 7 6 4 3 J 4 Q 7 5 4 3 A J 7 Q 9...

Access by Tim Bourke

Source: 2014 Canberra the Summer Festival, Bulletin 2 Dealer North E/O Vul Q J 7 8 6 A Q 7 A 9 6 4 2 A K 6 5 4 A K 2 K 6 10 8 5 West North East South 1 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 4NT Pass 5 Pass 6 Pass Pass Pass While the bidding was a little forward,...

The Hand is Quicker than the Eye by Alfred Sheinwold

Source: St. Petersburg Times – 4 Jul 1977 Stage magicians are fond of saying “The hand is quicker than the eye,” but what they really mean is that the hand is quicker than an eye that’s looking...

A Long Dummy Suit Shouldn’t be Ignored by C. Goren

Source: Toledo Blade – 11 Dic 1960 Dealer West Neither Vul A K 10 6 9 6 4 3 2 5 2 A 5 8 4 A 10 7 5 A Q 8 K J 7 4 9 5 K Q J J 10 9 7 10 9 8...

A Vital Entry by Robert Darvas

Source: Spotlight on Card Play by Robert Darvas and Paul Lukacs Q J 5 A 8 3 J 10 4 A 7 5 2 8 3 2 K 10 7 K Q 6 2 K Q  J You are South, and your contract is Three No-Trumps. West...

Hold Our Bridge Hands by Alfred Sheinwold

Source: Eugene Register-Guard – 1 Oct 1969 Now that the weather’s a bit cooler, we can play more bridge. A bridge player uses his brains so furiously that he’s danger of getting overheated and exploding if he...

The Power of Two at the Bridge Table.

Source: Moscow-Pullman Daily News – 11 Abr 1994 Do you have a particularly close rapport with someone? Does each of you always know what the other is thinking? Can you have conversations without saying anything? In my experience,...

Sifting Through the Evidence By Mel Colchamiro

Source: Sifting Through the Evidence Mel Colchamiro: ACBL Bulletin, Jan 2006 It’s all in the news. Prosecutors, possible wrongdoing in high places, political leaders, reporters, accusations, denials. What a mess! Someone decides that someone (usually a prosecutor)...

Bridge & Humor: According to Culbertson

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – 29 Jul 1939 “Dear Mr. Culbertson: The following hand, which I noticed in a recent rubber game, may be interesting to some of your readers. I don’t know that it points any splendid moral,...

Counting Hand Maneuvers by Fernando Lema

May 17, 2013 On Thursday 16 in a match training, we shared the table with two Great South American Masters: in West Marcos Toma member of the Brazil Team and in East Joaquin Pacareu member...

Bridge By Charles H. Goren

Toledo Blade – 17 Jun 1951 Dealer South Neither Vul A 4 Q 10 7 A K 9 5 A 8 6 2 K J 6 5 9 4 3 J 7 2 K Q 3 10 9 8 3 2 J 6 8 4 10 9 7 5 Q...

Peeking over another Shoulder By Phillip Alder

The Prescott Courier – 7 Dic 1992 In 1989, James Kauder wrote a book called “The Bridge Philosopher.” It is an “over the shoulder” book. The reader listens to Kauder’s thoughts during the play of 61 deals....

A Gizmo for the Defense! By Billy Miller

The Coolest Gizmos and Gadgets; October 2010 ACBL BRIDGE BULLETIN 59 This column has focused on suggestions for some terrific bidding gizmos and gadgets, especially ones that can be used without altering your current system: Gizmos...

Conventions: The Leaping Michaels

Source: THE VILLAGES DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB A convention commonly used over preempts is the Leaping Michaels convention. It is a conventional overcall made in defense to an opposing 2-level or 3-level preempt. Leaping Michaels is played...

An Instructive Deal by Andrew Robson

Source: THE ANDREW ROBSON BRIDGE CLUB MAGAZINE Autumn 2010 There is much more to discarding than sending a message to partner. You must make sure you keep the right number of cards in each suit to...

Squeeze: Pincer Play has Drama by Sam Gordon

The Spokesman-Review – 30 Sep 1936 The squeeze play has many of the earmarks of a drama. It is a plot including detectives, third degree, fall guy, hero who saves the day, climax, and everything. Declarer does...

Responding to Negative Double – Gadget by Billy Miller

Source: Responding to Negative Double – Gadget (Billy Miller) The Coolest Gizmos and Gadgets: The magical level The first auction: You open 1 or 1. Left-hand opponent overcalls 1. Partner makes a negative double which, for most players, shows...

“El Firulete” by Ana Roth y Fernando Lema

The “El Firulete” is one of the most known tangos, writen in 1958; its lyrics refers to the tango importance over the new music invasion to the Buenos Aires culture. The word “Firulete” comes from the...

A Miracle in London By Zia Mahmood

Thursday 8 September 2011 The strongest tournament in England for a great many years was staged by TGRs bridge club last weekend. The teams were auctioned to the highest bidder, with the top sides fetching...

In Massimiliano di Franco’s Seat by Fernando Lema

Many times, when dummy lies down;  the declarer realizes he is playing a higher contract than he would like;  the issue is to have enough technique skills to handle such situations, let’s see: Dealer: North;...

Playing as Dad taught me by Fernando Lema

7th European Open Championships Bulletins      Videos    EBL Facebook   Mixed Teams July 8, 2015 Tromso Norway Vicky is the daughter of Gustavo Chediak, the South American Tournament Director, and got her free ticket to participate in Tromso...

“Pico” Syrup By Fernando Lema & Ana Roth

Buenos Aires, March 20, 2016 Yesterday were played the 2016 Vanderbilt Cup semifinals, where team “Lavazza”, the number one seed, faced the team Bertheau, this hand was the third set board number 1. IMPs:  Dealer North;  None Vulnerable Q 9 5...

Playing in the 4/2 fit by Fernando Lema

Buenos Aires, January 23, 2017 Yesterday was played the Australian National Open teams Championship, Canberra Bridge Festival (AUS), with a field of 126 teams. The two most powerful teams were the Lavazza team: Agustin Madala, Alejandro...

Between 50 and 75 by Fernando Lema

Buenos Aires, May 26, 2017 A few days ago I found the following card play which I found very instructive. Dealer East. Neither Vul K Q 9 6 3 Q 10 5 A J 10 9 5 A J 10 A K...

Planning the Play by Ira Corn

“The Jack That Souldn’t Have Stayed in the Box” This deal was one of the most interesting hands of the 1970 World Bridge Championship. Bob Hamman, playing with Mike Lawrence, had a chance to demostrate...
Alessandro Gandoglia, Paolo Clair, Giacomo Percario, Giovanni Donati, Giuseppe Delle Cave

The True Story of the King of Club by Eddie Kantar

Source: The world championship in Bermuda two weeks ago was my second. I had played in Rio de Janeiro in 1969, when we finished third, the first time in history the U.S. had not been...

Keep a Close Watch on Splits by Alan Truscott

Source: Moscow-Pullman Daily News – 3 Oct 1995 What, according to Leon Trotsky, is the most unexpected of all the things that happens to a man? In bridge, the expected happens most of the time. But you must be...

Unblocking by Sam Gordon

The Spokesman-Review – 19 Sep 1936 Dealer South. Both Vul A Q 10 Q 8 6 7 6 5 4 9 5 3 9 7 4 3 2 5 K Q J 3 2 8 7 6 5 K 4 3 2 10 9 8 K Q 6 2 K...

There are Two Sides to Every Question by Terence Reese

Source: CAC 1976 Bulletin  April 1976 There are two sides to every question, it is said, and certainly there are two sides to the Bols Bridge Tip. ‘Watch the early discards,‘ was the advice to...

Lyon 2017 A Hand from R 19 by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Sep 2017 Dealer North. Both Vul K Q 10 8 3 J 9 2 K Q 6 2 6 J 9 7 4 2 A 5 7 A Q 10 5 4 6 5 K 10 4 J 10 5 4 3 J 9...

Lyon 2017 a Hand from R 9 by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Sep 2017 Dealer South. Neither Vul A 8 5 J 9 6 4 K 7 5 A 10 5 J 9 6 2 7 3 10 8 3 K J 8 2 Q 10 7 K 5 2 A Q 9 4 2 9...

Lyon 2017 Round 7 England-USA Venice Cup match by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Sep 2017 Dealer East. Both Vul K 10 9 5 3 A 5 7 4 3 7 4 3 8 6 Q 8 7 6 4 A Q Q J 9 2 7 4 10 9 3 J 9 8 5 K 10 6...

Board 18 from Round 16 in Lyon by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Sep 2017 Dealer West. N/S Vul A 6 3 K J 8 6 Q J 6 5 7 5 9 5 2 7 3 8 4 K Q J 10 9 2 Q 7 A Q 10 5 2 10 9 7 3...

Thinking Bridge: Defense! by Eddie kantar

Source: Philadelphia NABC Bulletins Dealer South. E/W Vul Q 8 6 Q 8 7 A K Q J 10 6 5 A K J 7 4 6 5 4 --- K Q 10 8 4 9 3 3 2 8 7 6 5 2 9 7 3 2 10...

Do We Know the Whole Story? by Lynn Berg

I am always sorry for players who shy away from playing notrump – not just because the rewards are greater for tricks in notrump, but also because I am a normal, lazy bridge player. When...

Later is too Late by Terence Reese

Source:  Positive Declarer Play By Terence Reese & Julian Pottage Dealer West. E/W Vul A 7 4 Q 7 4 3 A Q 8 A 9 4 K Q 10 9 5 2 --- K J 5 2 Q 5 2 West North East South 1 1NT Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 4 Pass 5 Pass 6 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: K After your forcing...

“A Dummy Reversal by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Oct 2017 Dealer South. E/W Vul J 10 9 6 4 8 6 4 K 6 4 7 6 8 5 K J 9 7 3 J 8 K J 9 3 7 3 2 10 5 2 Q 10 7 3 Q 10...

A More Experienced Operator by Tim Bourke

Source: IBPA Bulletin Oct 2017 Dealer West. Both Vul A 10 A J 10 3 K J 8 7 5 A 2 Q 6 5 3 2 7 5 4 10 9 2 Q 8 K J 9 K Q 8 Q 6 3 9 6 5...

A Safe Twelfth by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Bulletin Oct 2017 Dealer East. Neither Vul 5 3 A 10 9 2 J 8 4 3 A K 5 10 4 2 5 3 7 5 2 Q J 9 8 2 7 6 K J 8 7 6 4 Q 10 9...

Extra Chance by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Bulletin Oct 2017 Dealer North. E/W Vul A Q J 9 K Q K Q 4 J 8 5 4 5 2 10 5 4 10 8 5 3 10 9 6 2 7 3 A J 8 7 A J 9 K Q 3 K...

Proper Management of Entries By Charles Goren

Proper management of entries is one of the keys to successful declarer play. South failed to appreciate that on this hand and squandered one of dummy’s entries prematurely, which cost him his slam. E/W vulnerable,...

Treat Irrelevant small Cards as Neutrinos by Bobby Wolff

Source: Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns This deal from the 1993 Epson Simultaneous Pairs was played at the top of the Post Office Tower in London with a host of dignitaries and assembled top players....

Bridge & Humor: I thought you had it by Dick Cummings

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald – 8 Oct 1978 How you avoid losing a trump trick when you hold KJ102 in hand opposite A983 in dummy?” It is tempting to answer, “Tell me that and you tell me...

Suit Combinations and Entries By Jim O’Neil

Source: Suit Combinations and Entries By Jim O’Neil One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a declarer is to have several good tricks in dummy (or in hand), with no way to get...

A Double Revoke by Laurie Kelso

42nd World Bridge Teams Championships Chennai, India • 26 September – 10 October 2015 Official Site  Results  Participants  Bulletins The 42nd World Bridge Teams Championships and the 10th World Transnational Open Teams Championship will be held at the ITC Grand Chola Hotel, Chennai...

Entry Management by Frank Stewart

South Dealer, N/S vulnerable 9 5 3 2 Q 4 3 6 5 3 K 7 3 A Q 7 6 10 9 8 7 J 8 8 4 2 8 4 6 5 2 Q 10 9 7 Q J 10 9 K J 10 A K J A...

Chennai 2015: Play Problem # 6 by Yiting Li

42nd World Bridge Teams Championships Chennai, India • 26 September – 10 October 2015 Official Site  Results  Participants  Bulletins The 42nd World Bridge Teams Championships and the 10th World Transnational Open Teams Championship will be held at the ITC Grand Chola Hotel, Chennai...

Dummy Reversal does it by Oswald Jacoby

Dummy reversal (also known as reverse dummy) is a technique in contract bridge whereby declarer uses trump cards to ruff from the hand with more (longer) trumps, and retains the trumps in the other (shorter) hand to draw the opponents' remaining trumps. Normally...

Mental Simulation by Justin Lall

Source: Justin Lall Most auctions start with each partner describing their hand to the other until one of them is able to take control. Taking control sometimes involves asking specific questions (such as blackwood) and sometimes...

The Importance of the Valet by Dick Cummings

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald – 22 Oct 1989 ACES and kings are jolly good things but today’s column features the important role of an honour card slightly lower down the line, the jack. In expert circles,...
Dennis Bilde & Thomas Paske

Taking a Trick Cheaply at a High Cost by John Brown

Source: Winning tricks The Hand: Q J 8 10 5 Q 10 9 7 4 2 K 8 A 10 2 A K 3 2 A J 8 Q 10 3 South played this hand in a contract of 3NT. West led 6 of spades...

Placing the Lead by John Brown

The instrument of placing the lead is often closely associated with the hold up play, in that the decision of whether or not to hold up is in many cases governed by declarer’s ability...

Partner Robbing Partner of a Tempo-Value by John Brown

Dealer East N/S Vul J 5 10 3 Q J 9 8 6 10 8 7 4 10 4 J 8 7 6 5 K 5 J 9 6 5 A 9 8 7 3 2 A 9 2 7 3 A 2 K Q 6 K Q...

Guess leads to Missplay, Lost Game by Alfred Sheingold

Source Eugene Register-Guard – 18 Nov 1971 The sort of hand shown today is never misplayed by the true experts but is often mishandled by quite successful tournarnest players. Dealer South Both Vulnerable Q 10 6 8 4 2 A K...
Argentine Junior Team 2007

These Hands Really Do Come Up By George Cuppaidge

Source: Some readers may have heard of Jeff Rubens. In his younger days he produced a bridge masterpiece called “Secrets of Winning Bridge.” Anyone who is serious about bridge must read this book. Today Jeff...

How NOT to Play Bridge – Evaluation By Mike Dorn Wiss

Source: How Not to Play Bridge The enigmatic Professor parted the curtain at the rear of the auditorium stage and strode proudly to his podium. He was resplendently attired in a three-piece tweed suit, with only...
Salsomaggiore 2016 openning ceremon

Finessing the Finesse By Charles Goren

Source: January 30, 1961 Lee Hazen, a New York lawyer, is frequently quoted in bridge columns, and with very good reason, for he has been one of this country’s most respected players for more than twenty...

Defense Best Offense in Bridge

This fine example of defensive bidding and defensive play is from the 1968 Blue Ribbon. Dealer East Neither Vul --- 5 4 3 2 9 8 6 4 3 2 Q J 3 10 9 6 5 A K Q 10...

The Hand of Adversity By Charles Goren

Source: The Hand of Adversity By Charles Goren It’s an ill blow that winds up doing good to no one. The bad bidder contributes unwittingly to the science of better play, and many a brilliant coup has...

With a Beautiful Turn of Phrase by Phillip Alder

Source Ocala Star-Banner – Jan 27, 1998 My favorite bridge writer is Albert Dormer. Seemingly a confirmed Londoner (despite a short sojourn in New York in 1964-1965 to work for the American Contract Bridge League),...

Not According to Hoyle by Robert B. Hutchinson

The admonition not to trump your partner’s Ace may seem to be a waste of time on the part of the bridge teacher. Almost every budding bridge player would be insulted if he were...

Strip and End Play

To decide your plan of play in any deal, follow the order of choice of plays. Somewhere in that list will be the play you need to make the contract you are after. That...
French Girls team 2014

My Favorite Safety Play By Sam Fry

Ludington Daily News – 23 Ago 1956 The somewhat esoteric jargon of bridge players—and, we admit, more particularly bridge writers—includes such as “grand coup ” “Deschapelles coup,” “double squeeze,” “strip and end play” and so on. Don’t...

Tempo Matters by Yuan Shen

Source: Tempo matters by Yuan Shen June 19, 2015 for bridgewinners Visit Yuan Shen Bridge site For once, I don’t mean bidding/playing tempo and hesitations. Rather, I’d like to provide an example of counting tempos in the play. The...

Making a Plan By David Baker

Source: The Kibitzer Fall 2014 This deal is from the Friday night Worldwide Pairs game held at our club. It contains many instructive lessons in both play and defence. I have slightly modified the hands, switching the...

Careful Evaluation by Charles Goren

Toledo Blade – 16 Oct 1966 Both Vul. Dealer South. 6 K 8 7 2 K 5 K 10 8 7 5 3 Q 8 7 5 J 6 5 10 7 3 A Q J K 9 2 9 4 A Q J 9 4 9 6 2 A...

Nuances of Minor Suit Openings by Amit Chakrabarti

Source: acblunit391 Bridge Theory for the Practitioners by Amit Chakrabarti Hence, I am writing about our minor suit openings first. Before I write about specific sequences, let us first discuss what qualities a sophisticated bidding system needs...

The Time To Finesse A Partner By Jim & Oswald Jacoby

Source: Eugene Register-Guard – 23 Mar 1966 Oswald points out to Jim that deliberate failure by third hand to play a high card, not necessarily the highest, but some high card, is known as finessing against your partner...

Win at bridge By A. Sontag y O. Jacoby

Source: Herald-Journal – 2 Abr 1982 Here is another hand from “International Popular Bridge” to show an unlucky expert at his worst, South’s four club cue bid was a distinct overbid. Still he happened to be showing off...

The Uppercut

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, an uppercut is a defensive play that involves one of the defenders ruffing high in the knowledge that an overruff by the declarer will result in the promotion of a trump card in...

Interesting points By Barry Rigal

Source: ORLANDO-FALL NABC 2016 daily bulletin. This deal from the second final session of the Nail Life Master Open Pairs produced numerous points of technical and practical applications. Both Vul. Dealer South. A J 10 5 3 K...

Problems on Conventions By Alan Truscott

Source: The New York Times N/S Vul. Dealer North. J 10 9 3 A K J 10 8 7 A Q 8 --- K Q 7 4 2 J 9 K Q J 8 7 3 A 6 Q 9 5 10 5 4 3 2 6...

When Manure Gets in the Way by Amit Chakrabarti

Source: When Manure Gets in the Way An alien comes from outer space and wants to pick a human being randomly to take back to planet X and show what an advanced civilization they have. What...

IT can be Easy to Overlook Something by Liz McGowan

Source: Bridge – The Scotsman 29/06/13 IT can be easy to overlook something which in retrospect appears obvious. Can you find the careful play here? E/W Vul. Dealer East K J 19 9 8 3 6 5 A J 6...

Danger!!! Experts at Play by Jay Becker

Beaver County Times – Mar 11, 2007 The best players are capable of wondrous technique. But they can also perpetrate monstrous errors. In a team championship, Charles Goren found himself playing a contract of five spades...

Draw the Inference by Frank Stewart

Source: Sun Journal – Sep 25, 2008 In 1966, Hugh Kelsey made his reputation as an author in one stroke with ‘Killing Defense at Bridge’ but that was only the first of many exceptional Kelsey offerings. Kelsey gives...

The Power of Tens by Andrew Robson

Source: Hand Evaluation – the power of ten By Andrew Robson When Mr. Milton Work invented the point-count method, ace = 4, king = 3, queen = 2 and jack = 1, he did the ten no...

Planning Ahead in the Auction by David Lusk

Source: Australian Bridge Federation;  April 2001 Gaining advantages in competitive auctions is often geared to considering future problems when the opponents compete or are likely to compete in the bidding. Australian Junior, Nic Croft provided a...

A Nine is a Terrible Card to Waste by Ira Corn

Source: Lakeland Ledger – 1 Dic 1997 by The Aces Good defenders use conventional signals to help guide a touchy defense. For example when West leads fourth best at no trump and East wins the first trick, the card...
EUSA bridge 2017

Purely Elementary my dear Watson

Source: WelshBridge Noviembre 2012… “Purely Elementary my dear Watson” I was recently in Canada on holiday and came across an interesting article written by Steve Becker, in the morning paper: Dealer South Neither Vul Q J 6...
EUSA bridge 2017 Italy

Defensive Strategy: Trump Leads

Source: A lot of misconceptions surround trump leads. Here are the times when it is most attractive to make an opening lead of a trump: When the opponents have taken a sacrifice and suggested fewer...

The Right Time By Omar Sharif

Gettysburg Times – 30 Ene 2004 Both Vul. North deals. 7 6 3 A K Q 8 2 A Q 10 9 7 10 9 2 5 2 Q J 7 6 4 3 8 6 A K J 8 6 3 10 9 8 5 K J 4 Q 5...

Coming Down to the Right Size By Omar Sharif

Star-News – 19 Ene 1997 North-South vulnerable. North deals. Q 10 9 2 A K Q 2 A 5 3 2 9 7 5 J 10 9 8 K Q 10 7 6 4 8 J 6 4 3 6 5 4 9 J 7 5 4 2 A K 8 7...

Gleaning Clues from the Bidding and Play By Omar Sharif

Dealer South All Vul. he full hand was much as we anticipated: K 4 K 8 K 9 7 6 5 A K 3 2 J 9 7 5 Q 3 2 --- J 10 9 7 5 4 Q 8 3 J 10 9...

Jettison by Omar Sharif & Charles Goren

Toledo Blade – 6 Ago 1986 In nautical terms, to jettison means to throw, cargo overboard in an attempt to save as endangered ship by lightening its load. In bridge, it means to discard high cards to...

Mr.Blackwood…Next Time Perhaps.

As we know the Blackwood convention is currently of universal use: is part of almost every known and unknown bridge bidding system. Above you can read the letter sent to Easley Blackwood by The...

Principle of Restricted Choice

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, the principle of restricted choice states that play of a particular card decreases the probability its player holds any equivalent card. For example, South leads a low spade, West plays a low one,...

Overcalls By Joan Butts

Source: WHEN teaching the topic of overcalls, and points required for making them, it’s good to highlight the difference between the one-level, eg 1(1) and the two-level, eg 1 (2). Most students seem to think you...

Bridge with Liz McGowan

Source: The Scotsman 18/09/12 Dealer East, All Vul 6 2 A Q 9 7 4 2 J 5 3 10 2 Q 9 8 4 3 A K 10 A J 8 5 3 A J 7 3 10 6 5 Q 9 8 7 4 9 K 10...

Bridge the Right Way by Migry Zur Campanille

Source: BRIDGE THE RIGHT WAY Those of you who are regular readers of this column have realized how playing a bridge hand is the closest you can get to real detective work. Even before dummy goes...

Are You A Good Technician? by Alan Truscott

Do you think you know the standard safety plays?  Here is a small collection of simple suit combinations that are regularly mismanaged by competent bridge-players and confident bridge-writers. Assume in each case that you...

Benito Garozzo in Action by Alfred Sheinwold

Source: Spokane Daily Chronicle – Feb 11, 1981 When an opponent has bid with doubtful strength you should suspect that he has good distribution. Dealer South, Both Vul A 10 9 K 9 3 Q 2 A K 10 8 2 Q 4 J 8...

From the “Bridge Academy Best Hands Gallery” by Avi Cohen

Source: In Boynton, an exclusive small town outside Palm Beach, Florida, in the USA, there is a very peculiar museum annexed to the local bridge club: the Boynton Bridge Academy. Its exhibits are not paintings...
16th World Youth Bridge Championships Salsomaggiore 2016

An Early Lesson in Humility by Eric Kokish

Source: I started to play seriously in 1967, at the Summer North American Championships in Montreal, my home town. As I had less than 100 master points I could not play in the Life Master...

The Hand of a Lifetime

Source:  Newsletter of Trumps Bridge Center , March 2006 South was Henri Svarc who for many years was one of the best French players. See if you can find the play he made to bringin this...

An Intrafinesse Example by Fernando Lema

The WGM Gabriel Chagas, once explained the way to play this kind of weak suits, he called the technique the Intra-Finesse. Dealer West All Vul. West North East South Pass 1 Double Pass 1 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass Pass  Pass When East cards lay down: Q 6 5 3 K 9 4 3 J...
French Girls Team Lyon 2017

The Deschapelles Coup

Source: Wikipedia The Deschapelles Coup, named after a 19th century french chess and whist player Alexandre Deschapelles, is the lead of an unsupported honor to create an entry in partner's hand; often confused with the Merrimac coup, the...

Merrimac Coup

Source: Wikipedia The Merrimac coup (also known as Hobson's coup or Hobson's choice) is a contract bridge coup where a player (usually a defender) sacrifices a high card in order to eliminate a vital entry from an opponent's hand (usually a dummy). It...

Trump Promotion

Trump Promotion:  Occurs when declarer is forced to ruff high in front of a defenders card to prevent an over ruff, and, in the process the defenders trump is “promoted” to winning rank. Source: Wikipedia Trump...

Loose Lips Sink Ships By Paul Marston

Source: Paul Marston has been one of Australia’s leading bridge identities for close to thirty years. Apart from his ownership of the exceptionally successful Grand Slam Bridge Club and the time which this involves, Paul...

Redemption Song by Eric Kokish

Source: 1st European Open Bridge Championships. Bulletin 4 – Wednesday, 18 June 2003 Adversity lurks at every turn. Even an optimist like you knows that there are deals that go badly from the start and...

Loser on Loser Play

Source: Wikipedia Loser on loser play is a type of declarer's play in contract bridge, usually in trump contracts, where the declarer discards a loser card (the one that is bound to be given up anyway) on an opponent's...

Stand on your Head by Phillip Alder

Dealer South All Vul. J 9 8 A K J 8 6 4 A 7 6 2 6 3 2 6 5 A 10 9 2 K Q J 10 7 5 Q 10 9 4 Q J 8 9 5 4 3 A K Q 10...

A Scissors Coup by John Brown

IMPs Dealer West All Vul. 6 4 A Q 10 8 7 Q J 9 3 A K A K J 8 3 K 9 6 4 3 A 5 9 Q 9 7 5 2 J 5 6 8 6 5 3 2 10 2 K 10 8...

The Angel Coup by Jose Le Dentu

6th World Bridge Championships 1982, Biarritz An endplay cannot happen unless an opponent can throw you in. Usually there is no defense except when the famous champion Gabriel Chagas of Brazil finds a spectacular counterplay,...
The Endplay

The Endplay by John Brown

An endplay (also throw-in), in bridge, is a tactical play where a defender is put on lead at a strategic moment, and then has to make a play that loses one or more tricks. Most commonly the...

Bridge Logic: The Real Expert by Sanjoy Bhattacharyya

Sources: Forbes India Here is a gem played by Bob Hamman at the 2008 Boston National Championships. After some fairly non-descript bidding, the many time World Champion landed in 3NT and was faced with the...

Have You Discussed? – Jump Openings, Overcalls and Responses by Barry Rigal

Source: Gold Coast Congress Boletin 2 I’m guessing the majority of partnerships play weak twos and weak-jump overcalls, without specifically discussing what the constraints on a jump overcall are. If you believe, as I do, that vulnerability...

Elimination and End-plays By Brian Senior

A FINESSE is a 50 and 50 proposition and even a double finesse, for example, 5-4-3 opposite AJ10 is only about 75%. How much better then, if you can avoid taking the finesse altogether. Obviously,...

Against Stolen Bids By Mel Colchamiro

Source: ACBL Bulletin, Dec 2008 – Apr 2009 Mirror, mirror on the wall … … Who is the fairest one of all? That famous line uttered by the wicked queen in Snow White and the Seven...

Common Errors and How to Avoid Them by Brent Manley

Source: Failing to Discuss and Use Defensive Signals, Part 1 I play occasionally at the main bridge club in Memphis. It’s the largest club in the city in terms of attendance, although the games aren’t nearly...

Strengthen Your Game By Brent Manley

Source: If you want to improve your scores in duplicate, especially in pairs, it’s important to have a firm grasp on competitive bidding strategies. This means, of course, serious discussion with your partner about...

The Cross-Ruff By John Brown

The Cross-Ruff By John Brown. Example of: “Winning Tricks” by John Brown In cross-ruff the aim is to make your trumps separately. Throughout the play of the hand you may not be able to lead safely...
009 Juniors

Physical Attributes for Bridge By Phillip Alder

Moscow-Pullman Daily News – 9 May 1997 The uglier a man’s legs, the better his golf game, H.G. Wells observed. It’s almost a law, he added. I wonder what the present-day pros think about that. And if...

“Counting the Hands.” by W. M. McKenney

“Counting the hands.” by W.M. McKenney Secretary, American Bridge League “Counting the hands” that is, determining the distribution of a suit in all four hands, is one of the things in bridge play which the...

IBPA Column Service by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Bulletin No. 865 August 7, 2017 Example: 865 Dealer: North. East-West Vunerable   Q 6 6 4 2 J 10 6 5 A K Q 5   9 8 7 5 3 10 9 K 9 7 2 9 4   K J...

The Mechanics of Counting (Part 1) By Tim Bourke & Marc Smith

Source: Countdown to Winning Bridge By Tim Bourke, Marc Smith How do you count to thirteen?’ This may seem like a silly question, but in this article we shall try to persuade you that there are better...

The Right Technique by James Jacoby

Right Technique Rewarded in Par Bridge Championship  The North American Collegiate Bridge Championship is a par contest, responsibility for preparation of the deals rests with Jeff Rubens co-editor of The Bridge World magazine. In a...

Plan, Count, Plan by David Stern (AUS)

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. David Stern (AUS) explained this example.

Plan, Count, Plan by Paolo Clair (ITA)

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. Paolo Clair (ITA) explained this example.

Plan, Count, Plan by Phillip Alder (ENG)

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. Phillip Alder (ENG) explained this example.

Bols Bridge Tips: When, as a Defender… by Rixi Markus (ENG)

" When, as a defender, you are about to attack from a holding such as J-x, Q-x or K-x, consider the possible advantage of leading a low card." Rixi (Rika "Rixi" Markus) wrote for the...
2016 Australian Youth Team

Bols Bridge Tips: Give Declarer Enough Rope, By Tim Seres (AUS)

BOLS BRIDGE TIP– Give Declarer Enough Rope By Tim Seres. (Thomas Peter Seres) "When you can see that declarer is bound to succeed by normal play, look for a chance to give him a losing...

Bols Bridge Tips: The Secret is in the Timing by Pedro Paulo Assumpçao (BRZ)

In most deals the declarer soon identifies the plays he must make for the contract, such as establishing a suit, knocking out an entry, and so forth. But however good his reasoning, success may still...

Bols Bridge Tips: Hold Up the Ace of Trumps”, by Giorgio Belladonna (ITA)

“Whenever you, as a defender, include the Ace of trump among your assets, you should consider whether to hold up this card when trumps are first played” Belladonna stands, with Garozzo, at the top of...

Bols Bridge Tips: Be Bold When You Are Defending by Per-Olov Sundelin (SWE)

” Be bold when you are defending. If you can’t see yourself defeating the contract by winning the trick, DUCK IT even at the cost of a trick. By deceiving the declarer you may...

Bols Bridge Tips: The Power of the Closed Hand by Tony Forrester (ENG)

"Make use of the power of the closed hand. It is declarer’s biggest edge. Try to lead from dummy as often as possible, even when there may appear at first sight to be little...

Bols Bridge Tips: If you Take Up Boxing you Must Expect a Few Bloody...

"If you are to amount to anything at this game, you must build up a picture of the unseen hands." Robert Hamman is a name we will see repeatedly when you read reports of the...

Bols Bridge Tips: I Love Finesses by Gabriel Chagas (BRZ) Part 1

” When You have to develop a shaky suit, consider whether you can prepare for an intra-finesse by ducking with an 8 or 9 on the first round” Not easy, you might think, living and...
Mikael Rimstedt

Counting Distributions by Mikael Rimstedt

Saturday February 8, 2014, Sweden A few days ago I was playing a match on BBO with my brother (Ola Rimstdet) against two grandmasters: Benito Garozzo and Jimmy Cayne. This is one of the hands...

England: Westminster School wins Schools Cup at Young Bridge Challenge

Source: EBU 6 MAR 2017 The Young Bridge Challenge took place in Loughborough on Saturday 4th March with young players from over 20 schools enjoying an afternoon of bridge and minibridge competitions. The bridge teams started with...

25th Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Youth Championship

Circular 2 January 2025 Championship Website The Championship website containing details information, the website address is: Events and Entry Fees Open Youth U18 Team US$ 200 Open Youth U15 Team US$ 200 APBF Youth U16 Open Team, C. W. Pisessith Cup...

Youth Invitation – 2025 Swedeen Bridge Festival

Unique chance for all youth players from all NBOs Again we are inviting all youth players and NBO:s to come and participapte in the Swedish Bridge Festival. The dates when it all happens are July 25...
Ramiro Nuñez, Francisco Guerra, Tomas Popowsky, Esteban Oubliese (NPC) Clara Feintuch, Baltazar Etcheparborda y Santiago Semberoiz

Dick Freeman Award for Junior Hand Of The Year 2024

Winners: Tomas Popowsky & Francisco Guerra (Argentina) Journalist: Carlos Pellegrini (Argentina) Article: Nice switch, but... Event: 18th World Youth Teams Championships Carlos Pellegrini, coach of Argentina's U26 team, provided this deal from his team’s match against England. Board 7....

Andreas Abragi won the Jannersten Scholarship 2024

Congratulations to Andreas Abragi who received the Jannersten scholarship for his fantastic work with the junior activities at BK S:t Erik. "The Jannersten scholarship was founded by Eric Jannersten’s close friend Nils Jensen in...

2024 French school bridge championships!

Source: Fédération Française de Bridge FB Wall 302 middle school students made great memories in Lyon during the national final of the French school bridge championships! Arriving from all over France, the finalists had an exceptional...

8th World Youth Transnational Championships: the Winners

Source: WBF The 8th World Youth Transnational Championships were held in Wroclaw (Poland) from 13 to 18 July, 2024. Event’s Microsite The Winners: Teams – U26 Open Hellas U26 Dimitrios KAPIRIS, Iasonas-iraklis PAPASPYROU, Ioanna-Aikaterini POLLATOU, Panagiotis SKORDAS, Michail SOUMPLIS,...

Bridge and its benefits

Source: EBU Why do people play bridge? "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." Henry Ford First...

2024 Panhellenic Bridge Championship (U26) & (U16)

By Vassilis Virvidakis Last weekend (April 26 to 28) Hellenic Bridge Federation (HBF) organized the National Championships U26 & U16. Although the U26 Championship has a long history (since mid 70ies) the first U16 Championship...

Panhellenic Bridge Championship Youth (U26) & Childen (U16) 2024

Source: Όμιλος Αγωνιστικού Μπριτζ Λάρισας FB Wall 56 children from all over Greece (13 pairs in U26 and 15 pairs in U16) participated in the championship, got to know each other, had fun and experienced...