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Tag: Bridge & Humor

Bridge & Humor: According to Culbertson

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – 29 Jul 1939 “Dear Mr. Culbertson: The following hand, which I noticed in a recent rubber game, may be interesting to some of your...

Bridge & Humor: A Famous Hand by Steve Becker

This deal occurred at the 1962 Nationals, and at one table the bidding went as shown. Dealer South N/S Vul A K J Q 9 3 9 8...

Humor in Bridge Daniel Windsor

A bridge professional once said that we are grownups doing something we love and getting paid for it, so we should relax and have...

Bridge & Humor: An Unexpected Recommendation

Source: Howard Bigot-Johnson's Bizarre World of Bridge In the Slaughter House Bridge Club Howard-Bigot Johnson was known as the worst partner of all the world. One night...

Bridge & Humor: I thought you had it by Dick Cummings

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald – 8 Oct 1978 How you avoid losing a trump trick when you hold KJ102 in hand opposite A983 in dummy?” It is...

Bridge & Humor: Two Little Old Ladies by Helen Sobel

October 1942,  BY WILLIAM E. McKENNEY America's Card Authority Written for NEA Service Helen Sobel's book entitled "All the Tricks!" is different from any bridge...

Bridge & Humor

Sheryl accompanied Wayne, her bridge partner, to the doctor's office. After his checkup, the doctor called Sheryl into his office alone and says: Wayne is suffering...

Bridge & Humor: In general, and in particular By Oren Lidor

Moses is 95 years old and still functioning! He goes to the swimming pool every morning, he shops by himself, still drives his car...

Bridge & Humor: The Hideous Hog

Victor Mollo (1909 – September, 1987) was a British contract bridge player, journalist and author. He is most famous for his "Menagerie" series of bridge books, depicting vivid...

Bridge & Humor: The Ace of Trumps Runs Away By Victor...

Papa and the Hideous Hog exchanged hostile glances. They had known in their bones that they would cut together, for it wasn't their lucky...