Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Tag: Micke Melander

Unique chance for all youth players from all NBOs

COME, PLAY AND HAVE FUN AT THE SWEDISH BRIDGE FESTIVAL Unique chance for all youth players from all NBOs Again we are inviting all youth players...

2022 Swedish Bridge Festival – Information needed!

Dear Bridge friend: This mail is sent to all those who has entered an official Junior team for the Swedish Bridgefestival and are within the...

Swedish Bridge Festival Örebro 2022 – Youth invitation

COME, PLAY AND HAVE FUN AT THE SWEDISH BRIDGE FESTIVAL Unique chance for all youth players from all NBOs Again we are inviting all youth players...

The Swedish Bridge Federation Invites to Online Festival: July 30th –...

Dear Bridge Friend: The Swedish Online Festival that will take place July 30th to August 7th   We offer two Gold pairs: Tournament 1: Will be played 30th of July...

Sweden: Want to learn how to play bridge?

Congratulations! Playing bridge is both fun, social, and intellectually challenging. On this page you will find educational materials and cots to get started quickly. Minibridge is...

Unique invitation for all Youth Bridge Players (U26) around the World...

Come, meet friends and play a lot of bridge ! The Swedish Bridge Festival takes place at the end of July in charming Örebro,...

2020 Swedish Bridge Festival – Youth Inviation

Unique chance for You as a youth and your NBO Again we are inviting all youth players and NBO:s to come and participapte in the...

The 25th Swedish Bridgefestival: A New Record

Don’t forget – you can still enter for the 6th World Youth Open Bridge Championships being held in Croatia from 20 – 29 August. Don’t...

The 25th Swedish Bridgefestival

Don’t forget – you can still enter for the 6th World Youth Open Bridge Championships being held in Croatia from 20 – 29 August. The...

2019 Swedish Junior Bridge Camp by Micke Melander

Dear friends: You have the invitation for the annual Swedish Junior Bridge Camp. This will as always be organized in the Easter period and most...