Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Jumping in the Fourth Suit By David Bakhshi

Source: English Bridge December 2007 Issue 214 J A K J 8 6 5 2 A K J 5 2 K Q 10 9 8 5 A K Q...

WHAT is so special about opening a hand which is 5-5...

Source: Harold Schogger WHAT is so special about opening a hand which is 5-5 in clubs and spades? Holding any-other 5-5 combination it is customary...

Burn’s Laws By David Burn

Source: ACBL While working on the new edition of the Official Encyclopedia of Bridge, it occurred to me that we had omitted to mention some...

Fundamental Theorem By Justin Lall

January 6, 2006 Often I would wonder what to do in tactical competitive situations that would arise. Do I want to risk pushing them into...

Profit By Going Set By Oswald Jacoby

Source: Kingman Daily Miner - 27 Ene 1976 The prime requirement for an opening bid is some high cards. Usually 13 or more high-card points and surely...

When the Opponents Interfere in Slam Bidding By Marilyn Hemenway

Source: Omaha Bridge Occasionally when you and your partner are in the midst of doing some fine tuned slam bidding, venturesome opponents decide to interfere. Usually...

Blackwood Interference By Oswald Jacoby

Source: Kingman Daily Miner - 23 Ene 1976  Lead: J Once in a while some nasty opponent interferes with your Blackwood call by bidding over it....

Advantages and Disadvantages of different ways to interfere over 1NT (DONT,...

Source: Quora Answer Number 1: Andrew Gumperz, 25 years of tears and aspirations at the bridge table. When the opponents open a strong NT, the defenders won’t...

What are the pros and cons of playing Precision versus other...

Source: Quora Answer Number 1: Andrew Gumperz, 25 years of tears and aspirations at the bridge table. Precision is a misunderstood bridge topic, largely because the system...

Blackwood at its worst By O. Jacoby

Source: Kingman Daily Miner - 12 Sep 1977 <  Jim: "We get so many letters about the Blackwood convention that we really ought to devote some more articles...