Thursday, July 18, 2024

Fourth Suit Forcing

Source: Wikipedia Fourth suit forcing (also referred to as fourth suit artificial; abbreviated as FSF or 4SF) is a contract bridge convention that allows responder to create, at his second turn to bid,...

Pairs tactics By Andrew Robson

Source:  Bid Stayman with Many Weak Hands STAYMAN is a fabulous convention —especially at pairs. A 4-4 major fit is the Holy Grail of bidding,...

Gerber Convention

Source: Wikipedia Gerber is a contract bridge convention devised by William Konigsberger and Win Nye from Switzerland who published it in 1936; John Gerber of Texas introduced it to North America in...

The Best System (Part 1) By Adam Kaplan

Source: Vesuvius Bridge Blog The Best System (Part 1 - Introduction and First 3 Systems) I came across a few very interesting questions today: "What is the...

Quantitative slam bidding by Josh Donn

Source:    On Sundays, you can enjoy a free teaching session on BBO, hosted by different star players. This one was held, On Sunday, June 14 2015,...

Conventions: Jacoby 2NT

Source: ACBL      One of Oswald Jacoby’s best gifts to bridge was the idea of using 2NT as a conventional forcing raise in response to a...

Easy tips on how to cuebid your way to slam contracts

Source: Ginny & Jeff Schuett for Cuebidding without interference is an attempt to get to slam without using Blackwood, or before using Blackwood. Usually the...

The Dutch Junior (and U-20) Teams 2017 by Kees Tammens

Photo: Ricardo Westerbeek-Merel Bruinsteen-Janneke Wackwitz & Michel Schols The final of the Dutch Junior Teams Championship 2017 was decided on the next to last board. Here...

Great Bridge Disasters

Source: 17th European Bridge Team Championships Disasters at the bridge table come in all shapes and sizes and have a habit of striking at the most...

Always Open 1NT/2NT – Even With a Five-Card Major By Marty...

Source: Whenever you have a balance hand and the appropriate point count, open 1NT/2NT. There are absolutely no exceptions. Do not be distracted by a five-card major. Life will...