Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Lead Advice by Oswald & Jim Jacoby

The Milwaukee Journal – 17 Nov 1975 Jim Jacoby was one of the world’s greatest bridge players. He inherited his bridge skill, from his father,...

Two Questions of Duty by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish

"When You open the bidding at the three-level you hope to make life more difficult for your opponents than your partner, who is often...

A Double Throw-in

Source: The Evening Independent – Mar 18, 1970 Dealer North None Vul A K Q J K 6 K Q 9 4 10 7 2 9 4 2 A J 10 5 3 2 7...

Balancing Over One-Bids By Karen Walker

Source: A balancing bid is made in the pass-out seat after an opponent has opened the bidding (1 of a suit on your left, Pass,...

Building a System: Weak Twos

Source:  Bulletins Overall, the main difference between the system of a top pair and an intermediate or novice pair is not so much that they have more...

No Escape from Surround Play

Source: In a hand from a past World Bridge Championship, we look at a textbook defensive situation with which few club players are familiar. Dealer West,...

Developing your card sense By Karen walker

Source: One of the keys to becoming a good bridge player is to develop "card sense", which is generally defined as an aptitude for card...

The Surrounding Play By Eddie Kantar

Source: ACBL During each day of the NABC, Eddie Kantar, one of the best American bridge authors, explains one bridge hand, for players who want...

The Trick One by Fred L. Karpin

Dealer South All Vul A Q 3 Q J 10 8 3 K J 10 6 4 8 7 6 7 5 4 2 7 4 A K 9 3 K 9 4...

To Finesse or not to Finesse by Fred L. Karpin

" He who lives by the finesse will perish by the finesse" Dealer East N/S Vul A Q 8 5 Q 5 2 A Q J 9 5 3 J...