Thursday, January 23, 2025

Hand Evaluation: The Validity of Points

Source: The Montreal Gazette – 23 Abr 1981 by Ted Horning The point count system of hand evaluation was developed by Milton Work. Everyone uses it. An...

Point Counterpoint By James Jacoby

Source: Ludington Daily News – 12 Jul 1989 Although the widespread use of point count has made bidding more exact, players weaned on this evaluation...

Test Yourselves!

Source: Australian Youth Bridge Championships 2017 You lead the king of spades. Partner overtakes it with his ace and returns the two of spades, declarer...

Achilles Heel

Source: 13-15 April 2000 5th GENERALI WORLD MASTERS Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetis, was educated as a young man by Chiron, the centaur...

The first World Junior Teams Championship (1987)

Source: 11th WORLD YOUTH BRIDGE TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Bangkok,Thailand The first World Junior Teams Championship was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 12–18, 1987. Only five...

How to plan the play by Klaus Reps

5th WORLD JUNIOR CAMP Vargesztes, Hungary. July 2003 After you have completed the bidding the next difficult part is waiting. As declarer you have to...

Experts also make mistakes

Eugene Register-Guard – 11 Ago 1975 By ALFRED SHEINWOLD Experts Fall from Grace When the Day of Judgment comes, bridge columnists will have a lot to answer for. We...

The Smother Play by Brian Senior

Though the name does not include the word Coup, a Smother Play clearly belongs to that category of play technique. It is another piece...

A Lesson Learned Too Late

Source: The Montreal Gazette - 19 May 1938 When the declarer's trump suit is headed by the K-J-10 it is, of course, desirable that the lead be from...

Trump Promotion

Trump Promotion:  Occurs when declarer is forced to ruff high in front of a defenders card to prevent an over ruff, and, in the...