Counting declarer’s tricks by Victor Mollo

Source: "Case for the Defense" Wikipedia: "Victor Mollo (St Petersburg 17 September 1909 – London 24 September 1987) was a British contract bridge player, journalist and author. He...

The Present Count by Robert Wolff (USA)

Wikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff (born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win...

The speed rather than the skill by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Column Service SEP 2021 **Source: wikipedia: Tim Bourke "is an Australian bridge player and writer. His joint project with Justin Corfield "the Art of Declarer Play" won...
Adam & Zach Grossack

Finessing against partner may well be right By Freddie North

Source: Frederick Lumsden North (1921-2009). Freddie North was one of the first bridge professionals of post-war England. In 1950, he opened The Sussex...

AEFE, official partner of the FFB

Franck Riehm,  president of the FFB  and  Olivier Brochet, director of  the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE)  signed, this Friday, September 10, an agreement committing to develop their...

Louie Pays Up by Frank Stewart (USA)

Source: IBPA Bulletin SEP 2021 Baron Barclay: Frank Stewart has been involved with bridge as a journalist, author, editor, competitor, and teacher. He is the creator...

Can You do better than declarer? by Michael Lawrence (USA)

Wikipedia: Michael Steven Lawrence (born May 28, 1940) is an American bridge player, teacher, theorist, and prolific writer. Lawrence was born in San Francisco. He started...

Two problems two winning solutions by Phillip Alder (USA)

Source: ACBL: “Phillip Alder is a columnist for The New York Times and a syndicated columnist for 22 years with United Feature Syndicate. His column appears in...

The Only Conclusion by Tim Bourke (AUS)

Source: IBPA Column Service MAR 2021 **Source: wikipedia: Tim Bourke "is an Australian bridge player and writer. His joint project with Justin Corfield "the Art of Declarer Play" won...
Marius Dalemark Austad, Agnethe Hansen Kjensli, Anders Brogeland, Sofie Sjødal & Jostein Austad.

Norway: Top Sport Bridge – High school course

Source: English translation by Sofie Sjødal On Friday the 27th of August the new course Top Sport Bridge 1 started in Norway. It is a...