Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Tag: bidding

Preemtive Strikes By Mark Horton

Source: 1st YEH ONLINE BRIDGE WORLD CUP (2016) Everyone knows that a preempt is capable of causing havoc at the bridge table - to both sides. (If...

The Four Necessary Conventions By Agustin Madala

Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge A member asked: Can you tell me the four necessary conventions for every day players to be introduced into...

Suit Combinations and Entries By Jim O’Neil

Source: Suit Combinations and Entries By Jim O’Neil One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a declarer is to have several good tricks...

Great Bridge Disasters

Source: 17th European Bridge Team Championships Disasters at the bridge table come in all shapes and sizes and have a habit of striking at the most...

The fourth hand Transfer By Norberto Bocchi

Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge A situation that often occurs is as follows: Opening 1 /  - Pass - 2  / and you,...

Has It To Do With Age? by Christer Andersson

Source: 7-17 July 2002 18th EUROPEAN YOUTH BRIDGE TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS During the first couple of days we have heard on more than one occasion that juniors are...

Miss Brash, Overly Optimistic As Usual, Lost this NT Contract By...

Make humanics your trumps. Study the art of playing the people as well as the cards. Remember that the human factor is allways at...

It’s Your Call

A Bidding Problem published in the second 2016 Italian Open and Ladies Teams Championships Bulletin. You will be able to compare your answer with...

Ask Jerry: Opinion on our bidding by Jerry Helms

Source:        Dear Jerry, My partner and I would appreciate your opinion on our bidding of this hand:  J 10  K Q J 7...

Opening with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs By Andrew Gumperz

Source: Opening bids are the foundation on which subsequent bidding is laid. If the foundation is unstable, the rest of the auction may come tumbling...