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Tag: Defensive Strategy

Defense: Ducking a trick to see a discard by Paulo Brum...

Source: The Bridge Experts Don’t forget to follow us @ WBF Official Youtube Page WBF Facebook Page WBF Instagram WBF Youth Instagram

The Idea and the Reality by Ted Horning (CAN)

Ted Horning has written the daily syndicated column Canadian Bridge with Torstar Syndicate for over eighteen years-6600 columns and has been teaching bridge for...

Time for Departure by Robert Wolff (USA)

Wikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff (born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win...

I Have a Gift for You by Robert Wolff

Wikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff (born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win...

Two Bridge Lessons By Oswald Jacoby

Source: Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph – 13 May 1954 «Cover and honor with an honor» says the old rule. This guide to your defensive play is not entirely reliable....

The Deschapelles Coup by Brian Senior

Source: ABF Newsletter NOV. 2017 Although its aim is different, the Deschapelles Coup is a close relative of the Merrimac Coup which we looked at last...

The Best Leads Against 3NT by David Bird and Taf Anthias

Source: 5th EUROPEAN OPEN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Bulletins The authors were a formidable partnership in the seventies before Taf Anthias went to work in the USA...

Deceptive Discards by Diego Brenner (BRZ)

Source: Diego Brenner (born May 4, 1974) - Brazilian bridge player, World Life Master (WBF). Sometimes, a defender can paint a misleading picture for declarer, giving...

A Point of Technique by Michael Byrne

Source: IBPA Bulletin JAN. 2020 The Gambling Three Notrump convention (though not cropping up that often), is well-known as a preemptive toy and most defenders are...

CASTAWAY – Putting the Pieces Together by Simon Stocken

You are on lead after the auction below, having declined to overcall vulnerable: West North East South Mann Thompson   Pass 1NT Pass 2 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Q 6 5 2 A 10 3 A Q 10 6 5 4 What is your...