Friday, March 7, 2025

Conventions: Exclusion Keycard Blackwood

Source: Forum Exclusion Keycard Blackwood: Can anyone explain me this Convention?  Gjivo Tikvica; Dubrovnik, Croatia Alvin P. Bluthman response Gjivo Tikvica asked for an explanation of Exclusion KeyCard...

Exclusion Roman Keycard Blackwood and other animals

Source:  "Exclusion" is normally defined as a jump to a non-trump suit above the keycard-ask. So, for example, if the auction goes 1--2--2--2--3--5, that would...

1NT-3Club as Puppet Stayman

Source: When partner opens 1NT and you know they could possibly have a 5 card major you can jump to 3as Puppet Stayman so long...

Conventions: Puppet Stayman after a 1NT Opener by Justin Lall

Source: Justin Lall Many people, including myself, play the following basic NT structure when they open 1NT: 2– Stayman 2/2– Transfer 2– Clubs 2N- Diamonds 3– ? 3 – 5-5 minors GF 3 – 31(54) 3 –...

Conventions: Puppet Stayman

Source: I feel all flat hands with the appropriate HCP range should be opened NT regardless of the fact that you have a 5 card...

Conventions: The Leaping Michaels

Source: THE VILLAGES DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB A convention commonly used over preempts is the Leaping Michaels convention. It is a conventional overcall made in defense to...

Lebensohl Over 1NT Interference

Source: In today’s competitive bidding environment, overcalls are made far more frequently. Without long discussion, it is difficult to know what to bid when opponents...

Rubensohl (Transfer Lebensol)

Source: Rubensohl: ( Kantar – Lesson by Bob Crosby) Lebensohl  by responder over a strong NT was invented so that you can compete better or show game...

Gazzilli by Frederick Staelens

Source: Free at the Bridge Table I haven’t posted anything on Gazzilli before. It’s one of my favorite conventions which occurs when the auction starts 1M-1NT...

Conventions: What’s the Gazzilli?

Source: Gazilli is more a "concept" rather than a welldefined convention: just as well as there are as many forms of Stayman (or Checkback,...