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Tag: WYOC 2017 News

WBTC – Lyon 2017: August 26th

43rd World Bridge Teams Championships Lyon, France • 12 - 26 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBF Facebook Bulletins  Live News  Source: Bulletin 15 USA 2 are the Lyons of Lyon After a...

WBTC – Lyon 2017: August 26th GoodBye Videos

43rd World Bridge Teams Championships Lyon, France • 12 - 26 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBF Facebook Bulletins  Live News  FaceBook Videos   

WYOC Lyon 2017: Results, Bulletins, Participants

5th World Youth Open Championships Lyon, France • 15 - 24 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBFY Facebook Bulletins  News  Running Scores J/Y/G BAM Kids BAM Final B  List of Participants To see the list of...

WYOC Lyon 2017: Last Bulletin

5th FunBridge World Youth Open Championships Lyon, France • 15 - 24 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBFY Facebook Bulletins  News  August 25th It is true that all good things must come...

WBTC – Lyon 2017: August 25th

43rd World Bridge Teams Championships Lyon, France • 12 - 26 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBF Facebook Bulletins  Live News  Running Scores   Bermuda Bowl  Venice Cup    d'Orsi Trophy  Transnational Teams Source: Bulletin 14 CHINA AND...

WYOC Lyon 2017: August 24th

5th FunBridge World Youth Open Championships Lyon, France • 15 - 24 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBFY Facebook Bulletins  News  5th Funbridge World Youth BAM Championships Gold Medal Video BAM Final Standings Final...

WBTC – Lyon 2017: August 24th

43rd World Bridge Teams Championships Lyon, France • 12 - 26 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBF Facebook Bulletins  Live News  Running Scores   Bermuda Bowl  Venice Cup    d'Orsi Trophy  Transnational Teams August 24th Source: Bulletin 13 France...

WYOC Lyon 2017: August 23th

5th FunBridge World Youth Open Championships Lyon, France • 15 - 24 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBFY Facebook Bulletins  News  Source: Bulletin 9 A display of champions Prize Ceremony Juniors Gold Prize Giving  Whole...

WBTC – Lyon 2017: August 23th

43rd World Bridge Teams Championships Lyon, France • 12 - 26 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBF Facebook Bulletins  Live News  Running Scores   Bermuda Bowl  Venice Cup    d'Orsi Trophy  Transnational Teams August 23th Source: Bulletin 12 CHASING...

WYOC Lyon 2017: August 22th

5th FunBridge World Youth Open Championships Lyon, France • 15 - 24 August 2017 Results Live Streaming  WBFY Facebook Bulletins  News  Running Scores  Junior Teams  Youngsters Teams Girls Teams Kids Teams J/Y/G BAM Kids BAM Source: Bulletin 8 There...