Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Know when to say NO by Marty Bergen

Source: ACBL As I’ve illustrated: You shouldn’t try to bid every slam that just happens to make. You should never play partner for the perfect hand. If you...

To sacrifice or not to sacrifice

Source: ROBIN'S BRIDGE BLOG We've all heard expressions such as The five level belongs to the opponents and Only Jesus saves. But we also know that there are times...

Takeout Doubles By Melih Ozdil

Source: Competitive Bidding By Melih Ozdil Author: Melih Ozdil  Standard and modern applications of interferences over opponent's opening bids at every level can be found in this book....

White House Junior Invitational 2019, The Final: Israel -Denmark Last Set

March 29 2019 WHJI 2019 Home Page WHJI 2019 Results WHJI 2019 Bulletins WHJI 2019 Participants  Follow us in Instagram #WHJI 2019 The Final: Israel & Denmark  Denmark Christian Lahrmann, Søren Bune, Andreas...

Through the Minefield by Paulo Brum (BRZ)

Rio de Janeiro, August 23 2018 Board 6, from the 3rd segment of the 2018 Junior final between Sweden and Singapore, was very difficult to...

A Tale of Two Doubles

Source: 21st European Youth Team Championship; Bulletin 10 - 21 July 2007 The Belgian junior team finished finally in a slightly disappointing 14th place. Not so unexpected,...

2018 WBF YOTC Solver Problem Nº3 by Ilai Baniri & Fernando...

Discussing some hands of this event with my friend Ilai Baniri (ISR), we decided to consult some hands with friends. I for my side...

The Art of Sacrificing By Bob Crosby

Source: The Bob Crosby Memorial Library D.S.I.P.: Do Something Intelligent Partner Sacrificing is an art rather than just a Bridge skill. Beginning Bridge players sacrifice too much in IMPS...

Fourth Suit Forcing

Source: Wikipedia Fourth suit forcing (also referred to as fourth suit artificial; abbreviated as FSF or 4SF) is a contract bridge convention that allows responder to create, at his second turn to bid,...

2018 WBF YOTC Solver Problem Nº9 by Ilai Baniri & Fernando...

Discussing some hands of this event with my friend Ilai Baniri (ISR), we decided to consult some hands with friends. I for my side...