The engineer Andrea Dalpozzo and his three bridge champion daughters

Source: A glass of whiskey and a full ashtray? Black glasses and straw in the mouth? No, you are out of the way. There...

Barry’s Bridge Problems by Barry Rigal

Source: Barry Rigal is a bridge player, author, commentator and journalist. Born in England in 1958. Rigal has been a Vugraph commentator for thirty years and chief commentator for...
Italian delegarion Opatija 2015

The ultimate bridge player text by Enzo La Novara

How many times have you doubts about yourself and wondered: “I am a true bridge player ?” or “What I miss to become a...

A Tricky Slam By W. M. E. McKENNEY 

Source: Herald-Journal - 18 Ene 1938 A slam in spades, with the West player holding five spades, and declarer's hand only four after the second...

A Criss-Cross Squeeze by David Bird

Monday, February 27 2010 IMPs Dealer South. Both Vul A Q 3 A K 2 10 6 4 2 K J 7 J 10 9 8 5 4 2 J 10 9 10...

New Tricks Bridge Club

Source: English Bridge Union FB wall New Tricks Bridge Club is a YouTube channel dedicated to the promotion of bridge education at all levels. They...

Profit By Going Set By Oswald Jacoby

Source: Kingman Daily Miner - 27 Ene 1976 The prime requirement for an opening bid is some high cards. Usually 13 or more high-card points and surely...

When the Opponents Interfere in Slam Bidding By Marilyn Hemenway

Source: Omaha Bridge Occasionally when you and your partner are in the midst of doing some fine tuned slam bidding, venturesome opponents decide to interfere. Usually...

Blackwood Interference By Oswald Jacoby

Source: Kingman Daily Miner - 23 Ene 1976  Lead: J Once in a while some nasty opponent interferes with your Blackwood call by bidding over it....

Bridge History: Grand Slam Gags By Lee Hazen

Source: Collier's Weekly Lee Hazen (April 2, 1904 – February 13, 1991) was an American attorney, bridge and baseball player from New York City. No matter how serious...